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Bluetooth Framework
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The Bluetooth Framework is the Software Developer Kit (SDK) for software developers that provides an easy access to the Bluetooth features on the Windows desktop platforms.
- BlueSoleil Bluetooth Drivers
- Microsoft Bluetooth Drivers
- Toshiba Bluetooth Drivers
- Bluetooth LE (BLE) GATT profile
- Monitoring Bluetooth LE Proximity Beacon (iBeacon)
- Monitoring Bluetooth LE Eddystone Beacon
- Capturing Raw Bluetooth LE Advertisement frames
- Advertising as Bluetooth LE Proximity Beacon (iBeacon)
- Advertising as Bluetooth LE Eddystone UID Beacon
- Advertising as Bluetooth LE Eddystone URL Beacon
- Enumerating and Managing Local Bluetooth Radios
- Searching for Remote Bluetooth Enabled Devices
- Measuring RSSI
- Enumerating Bluetooth Services on a Remote Device
- Bluetooth Manual Pairing
- Bluetooth Automatic Pairing (SilentAuth)
- Bluetooth RFCOMM Client
- Bluetooth RFCOMM Server
- Bluetooth Vitual COM Ports
- Detecting Bluetooth device type
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