Martin Waldenburg
- Create and validate signatures over PDF, XML, and Office documents
- Manage X.509 certificates easily and transparently on all platforms
- Integrate swiftly to local, national, and international PKI environments
Total 9 products
MActionEvents is a manager for the IDE ActionLists-Events to which everybody can add his own EventHandlers.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 5 kB
Platforms: D4
Components > Experts, IDE etc. > Tools
MIDETre4 shows all levels of the Delphi Application's Child-Components in a tree view. By clicking you can retrive some info about the component's published properties.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 8 kB
Platforms: D4
Components > Tools > Sort, Search
A buffered sorter for an unlimmited amount of records with a fixed length using a three-way merge for memory and a buffered multi-way merge for files. The multi-way merge is the same as in TMSor. Ten Million records of 100 bytes are sorted in about 9 minutes (PII 400 and Windows 98).Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 13 kB
Platforms: CB1, CB3, D2, D3, D4
Components > Tools > Sort, Search
MWDelPar is a lightning fast syntax anylyser for Delphi source code (2.5 - 5 MB/S on PII 400), roughly 100000 lines/second. Could be a base for: ClassBrowsers ClassDesigners UML tools Interpreters Scripting etc.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 51 kB
Platforms: D4
Components > Science > Expressions
Very fast generic lexer driven by a regular expression engine.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 12 kB
Platforms: D5
A simple ultra fast double Hash list for strings. The amount of items is variable and only limited by available RAM. There are two simple default Hash functions available, however you can assign your own Hash function.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 4 kB
Platforms: D2, D3, D4, D5
mwLexStates contains fast programmable/scriptable generic lexical analyser. It can have an virtualy unlimited amount of nested sublexers. Support for WideString is available too.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 18 kB
Platforms: KLX3
Components > Tools > Sort, Search
TmSor is a study how to create a powerful sorter with a minimum of work. Fixed records only.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 11 kB
Platforms: CB1, CB3, D2, D3, D4
TmwHashStrings combines the advantages of hasching and binary search. TmwStringHash: Any TStrings descentand can be assigned to and hashed by it. TmwHashedStringList uses TmwStringHash to perform hashes. TmwStringHash uses a two dimensional dynamic array to store hash values and the index of strings in a TString.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 10 kB
Platforms: KLX3