Kiril Antonov
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Total 28 products
DB-Aware Components > DB Access > Other
By Kiril Antonov.
Freeware + source 08 Mar 2005Description
Access Helper For Ado is a simple component to help programmers easy to open all database formats supported by Microsoft JET Engine via ADO. Access Helper For Ado supports following ADO Database components: TAdoConnection by Borland; TaoADOConnection by Aloha Oi Software; TKAAdoDatabase by KA Ado.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 8 kB
Platforms: D2005, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7
.NET DB-Aware > Visual > Grids
By Kiril Antonov.
Freeware + source 23 Mar 2005Description
Ado KAdbGrid VCL.NET is a set of visual controls for dbGo (Borland Delphi 2005 ADO). Just link Ado KAdbGrid it to a TADOTable and you get a professional application. Ado KAdbGrid VCL.NET gives the final user power to do proffesional things with a single click.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 53 kB
Platforms: D2005
.NET DB-Aware > Direct DB Access > MS Access
By Kiril Antonov.
23 Mar 2005Description
KAAdo Utils for Acces is a component wich can help programmers to do the following things: Create MS Access database Compact and repair MS Access database Create MS Access Table Delete MS Access Table Create MS Access Fields in a table Delete MS Access Fields in a table Create MS Access Index in a …Informations
- Status: Demo only
- Source: On purchase/registration
- Source price: $19.95
- Exe demo: included
- Size: 23 kB
Platforms: D2005, D8
.NET DB-Aware > Direct DB Access > MS SQL
By Kiril Antonov.
Freeware + source 09 Mar 2005Description
KA.SQL.AdoNet acts as an bridge between ADO.NET SqlConnection and Dataset and a Delphi TDataset. This gives the programmer ability to use ADO.NET SqlConnection as a Delphi TDataset and use all DbAware Controls with an ADO.NET SQLConnection. KA.SQL.AdoNet uses Borland’s TADONETConnector …Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Exe demo: included
- Size: 22 kB
Platforms: D2005, D8
Components > Internet > E-Mail
By Kiril Antonov.
Freeware 12 Aug 2002Description
KA CDOMessage is Delphi implementation of Microsoft’s CDO for Windows 2000. CDO for Windows 2000 is a bigger set of functions to compose and send mail. It will work only on 2000/XP machines. KA CDOMessage implements both Message and SMTP component. Various options such: SaveToFile, …Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: On purchase/registration
- Source price: $50
- Size: 22 kB
Platforms: CB6, D6
DB-Aware Components > Visual > ListViews
By Kiril Antonov.
08 May 2004Description
KA DBListView is DataAware component for displaying information from databaseses in standard Microsoft ListView control. KA DBListView is a descendant of TListView so it will be compatible with future releases of the ListView cotrol. KA DBListView can be used with any Database that is TDataset …Informations
- Status: Partially restricted
- Source: On purchase/registration
- price: $29.95
- Exe demo: included
- Size: 608 kB
Platforms: CB6, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7
.NET DB-Aware > Visual > ListViews
By Kiril Antonov.
23 Mar 2005Description
KA DBListView VCL.NET is DataAware component for displaying information from databasees in standard Microsoft ListView control. KA DBListView is a descendant of TListView so it will be compatible with future releases of the ListView cotrol.Informations
- Status: Demo only
- Source: On purchase/registration
- Source price: $29.95
- Exe demo: included
- Size: 126 kB
Platforms: D2005, D8
DB-Aware Components > Visual > TreeViews
By Kiril Antonov.
31 Mar 2004Description
KADaoDBTreeView is a Database equivalent of the standard TTreeView. It can display hierarchical data stored in any database, which is TDataset compliant. KADaoDBTreeView is very fast and does not rely on database specific calls to display the data. Compared with some other DBTreeView systems …Informations
- Status: Partially restricted
- Source: On purchase/registration
- price: $29.95
- Size: 641 kB
Platforms: D6, D7
Components > Files and Drives > Disk Access
By Kiril Antonov.
Freeware + source 03 Oct 2004Description
KADriveLetter gives ability to mantain assigned drive letters to devices in your system. It can hadle 3 manipulations: Assign drive letter to Device/Partition Remove drive letter assigned to Device/Partition Change drive letter assigned to Device/Partition.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 5 kB
Platforms: D6, D7
DB-Aware Components > DB Access > Export and Import
By Kiril Antonov.
01 Apr 2004Description
KA Export for Delphi can export any Dataset, dbGrid or StringGrid to the following list of file formats: Microsoft Excel Microsoft Access Borland Paradox dBase CSV (Comma sepatared values text) with any type of delimiter you want. KA Export uses ADO to perform exporting so you don’ …Informations
- Status: Partially restricted
- Source: On purchase/registration
- price: $19.95
- Size: 147 kB
Platforms: CB6, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7
DB-Aware Components > Other > Tables
By Kiril Antonov.
Commercial 02 Apr 2016Description
KAExport is a VCL component giving the programmer ability to export tabular data in one of following popular data formats: - Microsoft Excel Workbook (*.xls) - Microsoft Excel 2007 Workbook (*.xlsx) - Microsoft Excel 2007 Binary Workbook (*.xlsb) - Microsoft Access 2007 (*.accdb) - Microsoft Access (*.Informations
- Status: Demo only
- Source: On purchase/registration
- price: $44
- Size: 1 573 kB
Platforms: D10, DXE4, DXE5, DXE6, DXE7, DXE8
Components > Graphics > Bitmap Images
By Kiril Antonov.
15 Aug 2009Description
Fine Graphics Professional is ULTRAFAST library (DLL) for manipulating images i.e Windows Bitmaps. It is multicore driven and also can use many threads to do the job per one processor If you think that your program libraries process images fast you can change your opinion by looking at Fine Graphics.Informations
- Status: Demo only
- Source: None
- price: $49.95
- Size: 2 000 kB
Platforms: C2k6, C2k7, C2k9, D2005, D2006, D2007, D2009, D7
Components > Graphics > Bitmap Images
By Kiril Antonov.
15 Aug 2009Description
Fine Graphics is ultrafast library (DLL) for manipulating images i.e Windows Bitmaps. If you think that your program libraries process images fast you can change your opinion by looking at Fine Graphics. All Fine Graphics image processing routines are written in either Assembler, MMX and SSE2 …Informations
- Status: Demo only
- Source: None
- price: $29.95
- Size: 2 005 kB
Platforms: C2k6, C2k7, C2k9, D2005, D2006, D2007, D2009, D7
By Kiril Antonov.
Freeware + source 01 Apr 2004Description
This is set of some standard controls descendants with floating abilities and RollUp/RollDown support.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 7 kB
Platforms: D6, D7
By Kiril Antonov.
Commercial 05 Nov 2015Description
Easy add signature (signing) support to your FMX application. Working on most modern windows tablets with touch screen. A TPaintBox Descendant so may be used on any OS on which TPaintBox can be used. A nice signature pad with curve smoothing and ability to create bitmap from signature Usage of …Informations
- Status: Demo only
- Source: On purchase/registration
- price: $44
- Size: 1 876 kB
Platforms: DXE4, DXE5, DXE6, DXE7, DXE8
.NET DB-Aware > Visual > Grids
By Kiril Antonov.
23 Mar 2005Description
KAAdo Controls VCL.NET is a set of visual controls for KAAdo VCL.NET. Includes: KAAdoDBGrid - just link it to a KAADOTable and you get a professional application.Informations
- Status: Demo only
- Source: None
- Exe demo: included
- Size: 580 kB
Platforms: D2005, D8
.NET DB-Aware > Direct DB Access > Other
By Kiril Antonov.
23 Mar 2005Description
KAAdo VCL.NET is a native Ado component for Delphi/CBuilder. KAAdo is about 90% compatible with KADao so you can easy move from Access to another ADO database. Features: Create, Repair, Compact, Encrypt Access’97 and Access’2000 MDB files. Create tables, add indexes, and fields to existing tables and so on.Informations
- Status: Demo only
- Source: On purchase/registration
- Source price: $100
- Exe demo: included
- Size: 276 kB
Platforms: C#, D2006, D2007, D8, PXE, S2003, S2005, S2008, S2010, S2012, S2013, S2015, VC++
By Kiril Antonov.
23 Mar 2005Description
KACDO Proffesional VCL.NET is a Delphi implementation of Microsoft’s CDO for Windows 2000. CDO for Windows 2000 is a bigger set of functions to compose and send mail. It will work only on 2000/XP machines.KACDO Proffesional is a set of 3 powerfull components: KACDO Message - Message, SMTP, …Informations
- Status: Demo only
- Source: On purchase/registration
- Source price: $50
- Exe demo: included
- Size: 1 283 kB
Platforms: D2005, D8
Components > Internet > E-Mail
By Kiril Antonov.
Freeware 27 Aug 2006Description
KACDO Proffesional is a Delphi implementation of Microsoft's CDO for Windows 2000. CDO for Windows 2000 is a bigger set of functions to compose and send mail. It will work only on 2000/XP machines. KACDO Proffesional is a set of 3 powerfull components: KACDO Message - Message, SMTP, NNTP, …Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: On purchase/registration
- Source price: $50
- Size: 119 kB
Platforms: CB6, D6, D7
DB-Aware Components > Direct DB Access > MS Other
By Kiril Antonov.
Freeware + source 04 Apr 2007Description
KADao is a native DAO component for Delphi. It is the first freeware component to completly access all databases supported by Microsoft DAO (Data Access Objects) including mdb, xls, dbf etc.. BDE is not required. Microsoft DAO must be Installed in order component to run. Support for both Microsoft …Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 348 kB
Platforms: CB3, CB4, CB5, CB6, D2005, D2006, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7
DB-Aware Components > Visual > Packs
By Kiril Antonov.
Freeware + source 09 Mar 2007Description
KADao Controls is a set of visual freeware controls for KADao. KADao Controls can be used only with KADao v. 7.2 or higher. KADao Controls includes: KADaoDBGrid - just link it to a KADAOTable and you get a professional application KADaoSortByButton, KADaoFilterByButton, KADaoFindButton, …Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 92 kB
Platforms: CB3, CB4, CB5, CB6, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7
By Kiril Antonov.
Freeware + source 23 Mar 2005Description
KADao Controls VCL.NET is a set of visual freeware controls for KADao VCL.NET. KADao Controls can be used only with KADao VCL.NET. KADao Controls includes: KADaoDBGrid - just link it to a KADAOTable and you get a professional application KADaoSortByButton, KADaoFilterByButton, KADaoFindButton, …Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Exe demo: included
- Size: 628 kB
Platforms: D2005, D8
.NET DB-Aware > Direct DB Access > MS Access
By Kiril Antonov.
23 Mar 2005Description
KADao Deluxe VCL.NET is package which combined with KADao is the most powerfull Delphi suite for using Microsoft DAO and all database formats that DAO supports. 14 DAO-specific components for wide range of professional tasks. Comes with full source. Can be used only with KADao. Includes: KADaoReplica, …Informations
- Status: Demo only
- Source: On purchase/registration
- Source price: $75
- Exe demo: included
- Size: 700 kB
Platforms: D2005, D8
DB-Aware Components > Direct DB Access > MS Access
By Kiril Antonov.
Freeware + source 26 May 2011Description
KADao Unicode is a native DAO component for Delphi. Now with full unicode support of ftWideString and ftWideMemo It is the first freeware component to completly access all databases supported by Microsoft DAO (Data Access Objects) including mdb, xls, dbf etc.. BDE is not required. Microsoft DAO …Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 370 kB
Platforms: D2009, D2010, DXE
DB-Aware Components > Direct DB Access > MS Access
By Kiril Antonov.
Commercial 13 Aug 2015Description
THE CLASSIC ACCESS DATASET COMPONENTS ARE BACK. KADaoXE is a native DAO component for DelphiXE. Now with full unicode support of ftWideString and ftWideMemo Now with full support of both 32/64 bit targets BDE is not required. Microsoft DAO must be Installed in order component to run.Informations
- Status: Demo only
- Source: On purchase/registration
- price: $122
- Size: 3 389 kB
Platforms: DXE4, DXE5, DXE6, DXE7, DXE8
Components > Data Compress > Standard
By Kiril Antonov.
Freeware + source 14 Sep 2005Description
KAZIP is fast, simple ZIP archiver and dearchiver which uses most popular ZIP format. Inflate - Deflate zip compression format (no encryption support and no multidisk support). KAZip is totaly based on Delphi VCL - no DLL, ActiveX or other external libraries. KAZip is totaly stream oriented so you …Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 1 116 kB
Platforms: D2005, D6, D7
Components > Security > User Rights
By Kiril Antonov.
Freeware + source 02 Jan 2003Description
NTSetOwnership is a Delphi component for setting owner of a file or a directory in Windows NT/2000/XP Pro. To work this component requires the user that calls it to have granted one of the following permissions: Backup Files and Directories or Restore Files and Directories . This component is …Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 6 kB
Platforms: CB6, D6, D7
Components > Internet > CGI, ISAPI
By Kiril Antonov.
Freeware + source 14 Nov 2002Description
TISAPIFilter is a Delphi component for building IIS ISAPI filters. It applyes to the last MS specification for ISAPI filters (ISS 5.1). Just add your notification handles to TISAPIFilter OnXXXXXXXXXXXX events and all is OK. Please use attached template to build your ISAPI DLLInformations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 22 kB
Platforms: CB6, D6, D7