Igor Andronov

Author Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/andronovin

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Společnost Embarcadero vyhlásila na měsíc květen Amnestii. Uživatelé starších verzí RAD Studia, Delphi nebo C++Builderu s déle jak rok propadlým předplatným, tak mohou získat "Upgrade" na aktuální verzi 12.1 Athens za výrazně výhodnějších podmínek.

Author Products

Total 8 products

Components > Miscellaneous > Other

By Igor Andronov.

Freeware + source 28 Jul 2000


Oscilloscope diapason handle. Component provides the next: Two styles Two Handle kinds Free content of diapason selections (any number of items) Skins for backs, bevels All parameters( positions, width of ticks it’s lengths , style) free customized. Cascading semitransparence.


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: Included
  • Size: 95 kB

Platforms: CB4, D4, D5

Components > Graphics > Icons

By Igor Andronov.

Freeware + source 30 Nov 2000


This component is based of DIrect3D ver. 7.0 and require install it first (Used library for DirectX 7 from www.delphi-jedi.org with some corrections). Presents the 3D Icon cube with rotation/textures/rotation and so on... Component provides the next: Any Icon Size Real time Cube rotation at any …


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: Included
  • Size: 116 kB

Platforms: D4, D5

Components > Buttons and Check Boxes > Buttons

By Igor Andronov.

Freeware + source 13 Sep 2001


This is The Button component (really Button, as it’s based on TButton component). It provides the next Main functions: 14 default forms + User defined form; 7 Styles of Button Border; 3 Styles of gradient fill; Gradient Bitmap allowed; 3 Styles of Caption; Show/not show focus region, allow custom painting; …


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: Included
  • Size: 52 kB

Platforms: CB4, D4, D5, D6

Components > Menus > Power Menus

By Igor Andronov.

Freeware + source 07 Sep 2000


This is the main menu and pop menu components not assigned with standard Tmenu component. Component provides: Real semi-transparence Five kinds (mkSimple, mkWide, mkRects, mkSimpleCorner, mkWideCorner) Free selection of Back Bitmap for each menu list (Tile and stretch) Free selection of Back bitmap …


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: Included
  • Size: 107 kB

Platforms: CB4, D4, D5

Components > Graphics > Animated

By Igor Andronov.

Freeware + source 17 Apr 2000


This component is for representation of connected consequences of (Bitmap + Region(HRGN)) (frames) at any free selected component- descendant of TWinControl. With using of this component you could simple receive next: Office assistant like MS Office 2000 Animated Buttons Animated Panels and Forms.


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: Included
  • Size: 56 kB

Platforms: D4

Components > Indicators and Gauges > Leds

By Igor Andronov.

Freeware + source 19 Jun 2000


Component prrovides: Galo at Led,Galo also surround Led - outside component (galo could be any depth, intensity, and switched off) 6 default forms of led (ialcRect, ialcRound, ialcRomb, ialcHalfCircle, ialcTriangle, ialcTrapezium) Any angle could be choose for each led style Inner, …


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: Included
  • Size: 14 kB

Platforms: CB4, D4, D5

Components > Edits, Memos > Edits for different types

By Igor Andronov.

Freeware + source 03 May 2001


This component is TEdit for entering of Float or Integer Numbers with formatting and controlling of entered one. Component Provide next: Entering of Float point or Integer Numbers Range Control Fixed point range for fixed point representation of number if it is into this range and scientific type …


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: Included
  • Size: 11 kB

Platforms: D4, D5

Components > Panels > Enhanced Panels

By Igor Andronov.

Freeware + source 07 Sep 2000


Semitransparent cascading Panel. Component provides the next: Cascading semitransparence 3 forms with rotation availability to any angle Caption at any angle at any position Inner and outer bevel of 3 kinds and border undependently controls by width Any skin with 3 variants of applying 3 3D styles …


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: Included
  • Size: 128 kB

Platforms: CB4, D4, D5