Fast Reports, Inc.
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Design, explore and maintain databases, build compound SQL query statements, manage database user rights, and manipulate data fast and convenient.
Total 10 products
Developer Tools > Report Tools > Other
FastReport Viewer - free tool for viewing FP3 and FPX files, containing prepared FastReport document. It supports all modern formats, such as FP3 (both FastReport VCL and FastReport FMX), FPX (FastReport .NET and FastReport Open Source). FastReport Viewer automatically identifies the version of FP3 …Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 1 377 kB
Platforms: C2k6, C2k7, CB4, CB5, CB6, D2005, D2006, D2007, D4, D5, D6, D7
DB-Aware Components > Visual > Other
FastCube enables you to analyze data and to build summary tables (data slices) as well as create a variety of reports and graphs both easily and instantly. It's a handy tool for the efficient analysis of data arrays. FastCube FMX is a set of OLAP Desktop components.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: On purchase/registration
- price: $249
- Source price: $249
- Size: 9 756 kB
Platforms: C10, C10.1, C10.2, C10.3, C10.4, C11, C11.1, CB64, CBXE4, CBXE5, CBXE6, CBXE7, CBXE8, D10, D10.1, D10.2, D10.3, D10.4, D11, D11.1, D7, DXE3, DXE4, DXE5, DXE6, DXE7, DXE8, FM, FM2, FM3
DB-Aware Components > Other > OLAP
FastCube VCL - OLAP pivot cube library for Delphi 7-XE8, RAD Studio 10-11,and Lazarus. It is not just a new generation of “Decision Cube†and much more than Pivot Grid control, it is a powerful high-speed standalone OLAP-cube engine. Integrate FastCube OLAP-library to your application, …Informations
- Status: Trial (work while IDE is running)
- Source: On purchase/registration
- price: $299
- Source price: $299
- Size: 5477 - 9893 kB
Platforms: C2k6, D2006, C2k7, D2007, C2k9, D2009, C2k10, D2010, CBXE, DXE, CBXE2, DXE2, CBXE3, DXE3, CBXE4, DXE4, CBXE5, DXE5, CBXE6, DXE6, CBXE7, DXE7, CBXE8, DXE8, D7, D2005
DB-Aware Components > Visual > Visual Queries
FastQueryBuilder is an easy to use visual SQL query builder. It works with local and client-server databases. You can integrate FastQueryBuilder into your applications written in Embarcadero Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio (VCL as well as FMX - FireMonkey) or Lazarus. FastQueryBuilder enables you …Informations
- Status: Partially restricted
- Source: On purchase/registration
- price: $69
- Size: 913 - 1069 kB
Platforms: CB4, CB5, CB6, C2k6, D2006, D4, D5, D6, D7, D2005
With FastReport .NET, you can create application-independent .NET reports. In other words, FastReport .NET can be used as a standalone reporting tool. Includes powerful visual report designer for creating and modifying the reports. Your application can run the designer from the code.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: On purchase/registration
- price: $499
- Source price: $499
- Size: 11 522 kB
Platforms: VC++
FastReport CLX edition is the first powerful cross-platform report generator for Kylix. Using FastReport CLX edition, you can create highly efficient cross-platform reports for Windows and Linux with a minimum of manual coding. FastReport’s development environment includes a Visual Report Designer, …Informations
- Status: With Nag-Screen
- Source: On purchase/registration
- price: $99
- Exe demo: included
- Size: 2 279 kB
Platforms: KLX1, KLX2, KLX3
Components > Reports > Report Tools
Multiplatform Report Generator for Apple Mac OC X and Microsoft Windows, Compatible with Embarcadero RAD Studio XE2 (FMX library) and higher. Report generator FastReport FMX is the first multiplatform solution for including Business Intelligence into software based on Embarcadero FireMonkey IDE …Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: None
- price: $299
- Size: 18625 - 24406 kB
Platforms: CBXE2, DXE2, FM, CBXE3, DXE3, FM2, CBXE4, DXE4, CBXE5, DXE5, CBXE6, DXE6, CBXE7, DXE7, FM3, CBXE8, DXE8
Components > Reports > Report Tools
FastReport VCL - component set for generating reports and documents. It provides a visual template designer, access to the most popular datasources, a reporting engine, preview, export filters to 30+formats and deployment to clouds, web, e-mail, and print. Fast and reliable engine for report production Yes, …Informations
- Status: Partially restricted
- Source: On purchase/registration
- price: $299
- Source price: $399
- Size: 85 776 kB
Platforms: C10, C10.1, C10.2, C10.3, C10.4, C11, C11.1, C2k10, C2k7, C2k9, CB64, CBXE, CBXE2, CBXE3, CBXE4, CBXE5, CBXE6, CBXE7, CBXE8, D10, D10.1, D10.2, D10.3, D10.4, D11, D11.1, D2007, D2010, D7, DXE, DXE2, DXE3, DXE4, DXE5, DXE6, DXE64, DXE7, DXE8, FM, FM2, FM3
.NET Tools > Other Tools > Other
FastReport Mono is a multiplatform reporting solution. It can be used with Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, any operating system that supports the Xamarin Mono. With FastReport.Mono, you can create application-independent .net and Mono reports. In other words, FastReport.Mono can be used as a standalone reporting tool.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: On purchase/registration
- price: $399
- Source price: $399
- Size: 3 339 kB
Platforms: C#B1, S2012, S2013, S2015, VC++
FastScript is cross-platform multi-language scripting engine. It is useful for the programmers who want to add scripting ability to their projects. FastScript is written on 100% Object Pascal. Unique feature of FastScript is ability to use several languages (PascalScript, C++Script, …Informations
- Status: With Nag-Screen
- Source: On purchase/registration
- price: $79
- Source price: $79
- Size: 1558 - 5140 kB
Platforms: CB4, CB5, CB6, C2k6, D2006, D2007, C2k9, D2009, C2k10, D2010, CBXE, DXE, CBXE2, DXE2, CBXE3, DXE3, CBXE4, DXE4, CBXE5, DXE5, CBXE6, DXE6, CBXE7, DXE7, CBXE8, DXE8, D4, D5, D6, D7, D2005