DBGridTreeView 1.12
In category
DB-Aware Components > Visual > TreeViews
TDBGridTreeView is a TCustomDBGrid descendants for browsing tree data structures..
If assigned Dataset is not recognized as TTreeDataset then TDBGridTreeView acts exactly as standard TDBGrid.
- published properties of TreeViewParams
- ButtonStyle
- LineStyle
- TreeColumnAlign
- the assigned Dataset is accessed through PropInfo and must have following published properties to be recognized as TTreeDataset
- TreeParams with two string properties KeyField and ParentField
- Depth
- HasChildren
- IsFirstChild
- IsLastChild
- IsAncestorLastChild
- Expanded
Try included DEMO-exe for more details
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: FW
- Size: 862 108kB
- Delphi 2006 (Win32)
- Delphi 2007 (VCL)
- Delphi 6
- Delphi 7