TAdvDBGrid 1.31
18 Dec 2014
In category
DB-Aware Components > Visual > Grids
TAdvDBGrid is descendant of TDBGrid and implements following features:TAdvDBColumn:
- multiline columns headers
- bands for group of columns
- footers with various kind of counting (sum, min, max, avg); scope can be set for entire dataset or only for visible rows
- property ColumnKind let You customize visualization and editing way of data; can be one the following values
- ckDefault, ckBoolean, ckOptions, ckLookupEdit, ckDate, ckDateTime, ckTime, ckLinkTo_wwwSite, ckLinkTo_eMail, ckPassword, ckProgressbar, ckColor
- for all numeric and datetime fields appropriate (extreme lightweight) Popup window is available (if property ExtendedEditor is set to True - default)
- AutoSort; if underlaying Dataset has properties IndexDefs and IndexName, or IndexFieldNames then clicking on title automatically sorts underlaying dataset (holding Ctrl or Alt You can click multiple columns for sorting on multiple fields)
- blobs editors (images can be shown in hint windows)
- variable colouring of rows (in both state: on focus in and focus out)
- columns are scrolled horizontally directly on thumb move; vertically, You can decide by including or not oeThumbTracking into OptionsEx
- fields can be edited even if the selected Row is highlighted (dgRowSelect is included into Options)
- rows can be selected by checking checkboxes in indicator column
- support for multifield KeyField of LookupDataList
- for more features see DEMO application
- ButtonStyle: TDBGTVButtonStyle default bsRectangle
- LineStyle: TDBGTVLineStyle default lsDotted
- TreeColumnAlign: TBGTVTreeColumnAlign default tcaAlignToTree
- if assigned TDataset is not recognized as TTreeDataset then TAdvDBGridTreeView acts exactly as TAdvDBGrid
- Status: Trial (work while IDE is running)
- Source: FNC
- Size: 1 649 212kB
- Delphi 2006 (Win32)
- Delphi 2007 (VCL)
- Delphi 6
- Delphi 7