TMS Spell Check
By TMS Software
16 Apr 2015In category
Components > Tools > Spell Checkers
Spell check engine with built-in support for single or multiple languages.Features:
- Supports ISPELL dictionaries and raw dictionary formats
- Includes dictionaries for many languages including: English, Dutch French, German, Spanish and Italian
- TMS Spell Check can directly interface to TMS TAdvStringGrid, TMS TAdvMemo or TMS TAdvRichEditor or it can be used standalone
- Persists its dictionaries and ignore list in a database.
- Can be used either in a synchronous way or an asynchronous way
- Words can programmatically be added to the ignore list and dictionary
- Comes with several predefined user interface controls: TAdvSpellCheckConfigDialog, TAdvSpellCheckLanguageSelectDialog, TAdvSpellCheckCorrectPanel, TAdvSpellCheckCorrectDialog, TAdvSpellCheckCorrectLinesPanel and TAdvSpellCheckCorrectLinesDialog.
- Status: Trial (work while IDE is running)
- Source: SW
- Price: $80
- Size: 4296338 - 4390942kB
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