Appercept AWS SDK for Delphi is a high-quality SDK designed to integrate Amazon Web Services into Delphi applications easily
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By Edhi Nugroho.
Freeware + source 11 Nov 1996Description
The improved version of AdvMenus by Artem A. Berman.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 19 kB
Platforms: D1
By CoolDev.Com.
Freeware + source 18 Feb 1997Description
Three menu related components. TSystemMenuItem to access menu items on the system menu, TSystemMenu to access the entire system menu, and TLinkPopupMenu to link a normal menu from a popup.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 4 kB
Platforms: D1, D2
Easy Menus Components are a set of 12 Delphi Components designed to make menu manipulation easier. Help File Included. TMultiLanguage - adds Multilanguage capabilities to your application. TMRU - stores a list with recently used files. TToolsManager - a component designed to add a Tools Menu to your application.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 119 kB
Platforms: D6, D7
By Harry Kakoulidis.
Freeware + source 15 Nov 1999Description
Component for handling Recent files list and Open, Save, Save As, Exit Commands. Has a recent list (MRU) if you want with ini. Will call your file handlers only when needed so you dont have to worry about changed files, loading Open/Save dialog boxes, history lists, terminating, querring user to save changes etc.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Exe demo: included
- Size: 206 kB
Platforms: D3, D4, D5
By Andrea Russo.
Freeware + source 17 Dec 2019Description
The THistoryFiles component stores the recent files list into an .ini file and shows the result into a menu. It's possibile to insert the list into any point of your menu; insert top or bottom separator; change the number of items; show full path or not; sort the list. Helps you to have access to …Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 265 kB
Platforms: D10.1, D10.2, D2, D2005, D2006, D2007, D2009, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7
By Dmitry Togushev.
Freeware + source 20 Apr 1999Description
MainMenu and Speed Button which call help on mouse click like as MS Office programs. Help could be shown with two ways: standard and Help-popup window. Contains original help-file.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 231 kB
Platforms: D3, D4
By Medicsoft.
Freeware + source 17 Jun 2002Description
MainMenu component with Windows XP Style.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 3 kB
Platforms: D5
By Marek Bisz.
Freeware + source 25 Apr 1998Description
Delphi TMenu and recent file list.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 2 kB
Platforms: D3
By MiTeC.
Freeware + source 09 Apr 2002Description
Another XP-like menu component. Hooks and manages all TMenu descendants on form.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Exe demo: included
- Size: 131 kB
Platforms: D5, D6
By Milika Delic.
Freeware + source 20 Apr 2006Description
Classic TPoupMenu with just one more extremely useful method, OnClose. so we can now detect when menu closes with or without selecting anything.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 1 kB
Platforms: C2k6, D1, D2, D2005, D2006, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7
By Suazael J..
Freeware 01 Nov 2011Description
This component changes standard TMainMenu and TPopupMenu appearance. Just place TSZLDrawMenuItem on your form and enable DrawMenuKind property. Menu items are drawn with gradient Each menu item can show short descriptionInformations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: On purchase/registration
- Source price: $10
- Size: 645 kB
Platforms: D2009, D7, DXE
By Brad Stowers.
Freeware + source 29 Jun 2001Description
A component that greatly simplifies adding MRU file lists to menus. Features: Defineable maximum number of items to be maintained in the list; Automatic removal of item when selected, or not; Items can exist on selected menu, or on submenu of selected menu.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 26 kB
Platforms: CB1, CB3, CB4, CB5, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6
VCL component show a Menu with all your favorites internet link present in your Favorite directory (Internet Explorer only).Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Exe demo: included
- Size: 220 kB
Platforms: D5, D6
By Priyatna Harun.
Freeware + source 24 Feb 2003Description
TFileMenu is a Delphi Component to extend TMainMenu or TPopUpMenu to dynamically show the content of directories or special shell folders (Desktop, My Documents, My Pictures, Start Menu, Send To, Recent and Favorites). It uses system imagelist. Small foot-print.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Exe demo: included
- Size: 176 kB
Platforms: D6
TFlexMenu enables you to add or remove itmes on a menu dynamicly. Useful for flexibe menu entries like MRU or window lists. Features automatic numbering of the added menuitems and automatic add/remove of separator lines. TFlexMenu is a non visual component.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 4 kB
Platforms: D3, D4
By Devonic, Inc.
Freeware + source 30 May 2007Description
A component that allows to manage Most Recently Used (MRU) files. Requires TBrkApart and JEDI Code Library (JCL).Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 11 kB
Platforms: D2005, D2006, D2007, D7
TSaveCheckState is a deceptively simple component that can save and restore the Check State of all items in any TMainMenu or TPopupMenu component.xffMenu Items can be nested as deep as you want in Submenus. Handles Actions too.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 43 kB
Platforms: D2, D3, D4
By Maksim Grusha.
Freeware + source 24 Aug 2009Description
This is a non-visual component helps to work with history of files and etc. Can map of the history in the menu as by the list so and as a sub-menu. Possibility to save the data in the registry, ini-file, stream, TStrings.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 35 kB
Platforms: D2005, D2006, D2007, D2009, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7
This component can help you to hack properties of standard TMainMenu and TPopupMenu. Available properties: Font, Background (Image, Gradient), Painting (Bevel, ColorActive, ColorInactive, ColorBorderTop, ColorBorderBottom, Transparency of Selection), Selection (Modes - border and color, Border - width and bevel).Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 206 kB
Platforms: D5, D6, D7
By WAISS Systems.
Freeware + source 06 Aug 1998Description
TWPopupMenu deals with all of its submenus as if they are all a string array. It has easy functions to add menu entries and allows propertys to be set that specify at what point do the menus cascade into a new column (Just like the start menu, when there are more entries then fit into the screen a …Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 3 kB
Platforms: D3
By Shagrouni.Com.
Freeware + source 29 Aug 2006Description
XP Menu is a none-visual component that changes the visual aspects of menus, toolbars and many other controls to nearly the same look and feel of MS Office XP. No code required, you do not have to reconstruct menus or toolbars using controls other than those shipped with Delphi.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 61 kB
Platforms: D4, D5, D6