LogDisk 1.2
In category
TLogDisk component easy the work of a programmer who needs to add a log to its programs. Simply "drop the component on a form of programs and activate.Component automatically creates a log file, the application stores data (header) and provides the programmer methods / routines to add data from different types andalusia Log.
Some properties with which the component:
- FileNameFormat: Allows the component to create the file using different formats in the name.
- FileSavePath: Define the location where the component will store the log file (same directory as the application directory or logs).
- LogWithTime: Enabling this property adds the component to a time-stamped log of different notes.
- MaxLogFiles: Controls the maximum number of log files that are kept in the Logs directory. "O" for a limited number, with any other value component is responsible for deleting the oldest log file.
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: FW
- Size: 234 766kB
- C++ Builder 6
- Delphi 2005 (VCL)
- Delphi 2006 (Win32)
- Delphi 2009
- Delphi 6