MathRRR Package 1.0
By Rodrigo Ruiz
06 Nov 2005In category
Components > Science > Expressions
MathRRR Package is a set of two components for Delphi(R): TMathRRR and TEvalRRR.TMathRRR: Is a component that graphics mathematical expresions of the form y=f(x): sin(x), cos(x), sin(x)*x, x/2, log(x)*sin(x)-x are examples of mathematical expressions that can be shown. The functions that can be used in expresions are:
- Sin: Sine
- Cos: Cosine
- Tan: Tangent
- Cot: Cotagent
- Sec: Secant
- Csc: Cosecant
- Custom: Custom function, you can use all the functions ant to use the +, -, *, / and ^ operators.
- Exp: e^x
- Log: Locarithm natural
- Atn: Arcotangent (Tan^-1)
- Asn: Arcosine (sin^-1)
- Acs: Arcocosine (cos^-1)
- Abs: Abosulte value
- Neg: Negative
- Sqr: Square
- Sqrt: Square root
- Sinh: Hyperbolic sine
- Cosh: Hyperbolic cosine
- Tanh: Hyperbolic sine.
TEvalRRR is a component that evaluate the same functions that TMathRRR and can trap errors in the case that there are errors in the evaluation or in the expression. Please, see the demo.
- Status: With Nag-Screen
- Source: SW
- Price: $20
- Size: 625 372kB
- Delphi 3
- Delphi 4
- Delphi 5
- Delphi 6
- Delphi 7