TFadeWorks 0.1

By m_8imus

Freeware 24 Mar 2003

In category

Components > Misc. Effects > Animation


TFadeWorks is a component that gives acces to the AlphaBlending functions in Windows 2000 and XP, and brings two effects: fade-in and fade-out. Just drop the component on the form and, for a startup by fading in, simply call the FadeIn procedure at form creation; on exit, you can use FadeOut. You can change the blending value at design-time. Also, the window handle can be changed at design, but is automatically modified on form creation. Notice that the component has effect only on Windows 2000, XP or later.


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: FW
  • Size: 13 335kB


  • Delphi 5
  • Delphi 6
