Dream Tree 3.1

By Dream Company

Shareware 19 May 2000

In category

Components > ListViews and TreeViews > Enhanced TreeViews


New version with improved TDCDBTreeView and TDCDBListView. You won't find faster TDBTreeView than ours. You will get Dream Edit also. Whether you work with hierarchically organized data or use standard TreeView and ListView in your application you should take a look at this great product. Why you need it?
  • To improve standard TreeView with such sweet features as multiselect and custom draw (new properties in each node FontColor, FontStyle; OnCustomDraw, OnCustomDrawItem events in tree).
  • To browse and edit datasets containingxff hierarchically organized data with TDCDBTreeView and TDCDBListView. More than one dataset can be shown in the same tree.
  • To get TDCTreeView and TDCListView. These components work with TreeSource - object which provides the interface between treeview/listview and displayed data.
  • Many more...


  • Status: Trial (work while IDE is running)
  • Source: SW
  • Price: $39
  • Size: 300935 - 1298944kB


  • C++ Builder 5
  • C++ Builder 6
  • Delphi 5
  • Delphi 6
  • Delphi 7
  • C++ Builder 3
  • C++ Builder 4
  • Delphi 3
  • Delphi 4
