TMS Sparkle 1.3
By TMS Software
10 Aug 2015In category
TMS Sparkle is a Delphi framework for network, Internet programming. It provides classes for both client and server applications/services, allowing for example performing Http requests to servers, or building Http servers that receive and process client requests.It supports several plataforms, including Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, iOS and Android. TMS Sparkle is also the core framework used by several upcoming other TMS products such as TMS RemoteDB and TMS XData.
- Status: Trial (work while IDE is running)
- Source: SW
- Price: $550
- Size: 35439336 - 82087478kB
- Delphi XE 2
- Delphi XE3
- Delphi XE4
- Delphi XE5
- Delphi XE6
- Delphi XE7
- Delphi XE8