HTML Viewer Components 11.7
12 Nov 2016
In category
Components > Internet > Browsers
The HtmlViewer component set consists of the THtmlViewer, TFrameViewer, and TFrameBrowser components. All three are HTML document display components: THtmlViewer- The basic component.
- THtmlViewer displays single (non-frame) documents.
- It also forms the basis for the other two components.
- Displays both frame and single HTML documents.
- TFrameViewer is oriented more for local file system use.
- Also displays frame and single HTML documents.
- TFrameBrower is oriented for use with local file systems and toward Internet style protocols and URL usage.
- Additional code and/or components are generally required to get data from other sources than the local file system.
- Cascading Stylesheets
- Large HTML files
- HTML Frames
- HTML Forms
- HTML Tables
- Bitmap, GIF, JPEG, and PNG Images
- Transparent images
- Image caching
- Left and right floating images
- Image sizing attributes
- Client side image maps
- Background colors and images
- Font sizes, styles, and colors with HTML tags or default settings
- Formatted printing of the HTML document
- Can print multiple pages horizontally
- Print preview
- Text search
- Copy to clipboard
- Subscripts and superscripts
- Unicode, UTF-8 and many single and multi byte character codes supported
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: FW
- Size: 6 193 491kB
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- Delphi 10
- Delphi 10.1 Berlin
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