TThumbsBrowser 1.0.3
In category
Thumbs Browser is a comprehensive, fast and effective solution to add picture browsing capability to your application with no extra coding. This browser has a complete set of features to handle the visualization, search and manipulation of a large number of picture files and also allows a good degree of flexibility.Main Features:
- Displays thumbnails of files smoothly without making the GUI flicker.
- Thumbs creation works in background without affecting user interaction
- Smart Browsing: loads first the thumbnails that you are actually displaying
- Browse horizontally and vertically. The number of rows and columns is automatically calculated.
- Thumbnails have built-in checkboxes, rotate buttons, and info buttons (can be used to attach any popup menu as well).
- It is possible to customize the look and feel of each thumb using the provided onitemdraw events.
- Sort by file name, date, exif date, size, width and height, type, etc..
- Filter by file type or by any Search criteria
Very easy to setup. Just drop on the form and call its main methods to start browsing from a folder or a list of files.
Built-in Shell Operations:- Allows Drag/Drop (can be used in conjunction with the drag-drop components suite)
- Rename Files
- Convert between file types
- Copy/Cut/Paste files
- Rotate files (jpg lossless rotation supported)
- Send pictures to printer
This is possible thanks to the integration with the nexus database engine whose embedded version is available for free from the developers.
The Thumbsbrowser has an option to enable built-in database storage. You just need to specify in which folder the database should be located and the nexus database server component you want to use (if none is specified the internal one will be used). All the storing and retrieving process, including updating of thumbs to db when the file date-stamp has changed is automatic. You do not need any database knowledge for having it to work.
The storing to database will happen while browsing the files. New files thumbnails will be added to the db, while old thumbs will be updated. If the browser finds an updated thumbnail in the database will retrieve that one instead of recreating the thumbnail from file, in this case the loading will be extremely fast.
A compiler option allows to disable the database support in case you are not interested in having it.
- Status: Demo only
- Source: SW
- Price: $119
- Size: 2 787 696kB
- Delphi 2005 (VCL)
- Delphi 2006 (Win32)
- Delphi 2007 (VCL)
- Delphi 2009
- Delphi 2010
- Delphi 5
- Delphi 6
- Delphi 7
- Delphi XE