TWavRec 3.0
By Xavier Cirac
04 Sep 2004In category
Components > Effects and Multimedia > Audio
This component lets you record any sound just using the functions BeginRecording and StopRecording. It uses MCI multimedia functions and the output format follows WAV PCM format.Methods and properties:
- Filename: This is the name of the output sound file. (i.e: c:mysound.wav)
- Showerror: This property lets you choose if the component is going to show its own error messages.
- WAVFormat: Format of the output sound file. You only have to specify 3 characteristics of the format (instead of all the variables that has the class TWaveFormatEx):
- Channels: Number of channels (Mono=1, Stereo=2).
- BitsPerSample: The number of bits per sample of the output sound file. It can only be 8 or 16.
- SamplesPerSec: The number of samples per second of the output sound file (the frequency). Usually: 11025, 22050, 44100 (CD).
- BeginRecording: Begins the recording of the sound file using the format specified in the WAVFormat property. It has no parameters.
- StopRecording: Stops the recording of the sound file (you have to call the function BeginRecording previously). It has no parameters.
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: SW
- Price: $30
- Size: 70 038kB
- C++ Builder 1
- Delphi 2
- Delphi 3
- Delphi 4
- Delphi 5
- Delphi 6
- Delphi 7