TAdvRichEditor & TDBAdvRichEditor
By TMS Software
17 Jul 2015In category
Components > Edits, Memos > RichEdits
Compact light-weight WYSIWYG editor for formatted text.Features:
- Compact light-weight WYSIWYG editor for formatted text.
- Supports formatted text with bullets, hyperlinks, images, indenting, aligned paragraphs.
- Offers functions for merging, highlighting text, find & replace, undo/redo, clipboard, printing.
- Stores its text natively in the .RTE file format.
- Loads text from .RTF, .TXT and .RTE files.
- Exports to .PDF, .TXT, .RTF, .HTML and .RTE files.
- Various actions available from the action manager that can be used to quickly hookup visual controls to perform actions on the TAdvRichEditor.
- TAdvRichEditorMiniHTMLIO component included to read or write the contents of the TAdvRichEditor in mini-HTML format.
- DB-aware version included to connect the rich editor directly to a database that stores the content of the editor in a blob field.
- Support for connecting the DB-aware to perform DB-based merging with a merge source.
- OLE drag & drop support.
- Emoticons support.
- Support for PictureContainer images.
- Support for VCL Styles.
- Status: Trial (work while IDE is running)
- Source: SW
- Price: $85
- Size: 3688773 - 4123401kB
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- Delphi XE
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