Bluecave Components 1.0.1
In category
Components > Component Packs > Multi-purpose Middle
Bluecave Components is a package containing several visual and non-visual components. In addition there are some helper classes and functions. For example to wrap NT privileges to a easy to use class.Components: TBcWebLabel, TBcStringsContainer, TBcPageControlLink, TBcThreadTimer, TBcExplorerPanel, TBcOpenDialog, TBcSaveDialog, TBcAction, TBcFontButton, TBcColorButton, TBcGroupBox.
Bluecave Internet Component: TBcIndyHTTPFile.
Classes/functions:TBcExpressionCompiler, TBcNTSecurityPrivileges, function IsAdministratorUser.
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: FW
- Size: 133 325kB
- C++ Builder 5
- Delphi 5
- Delphi 6