PowerCAD 29
In category
Components > Charts and Graphs > CAD
PowerCAD is designed to provide an editor-like drawing area to handle drawings in your applications. The main idea behind the concept is the need for CAD modules in the software applications industry. Most engineering, multimedia or industrial applications need a CAD module embedded with in itself to provide the user a visual simulation. However, even to provide a satisfaction with a very basic and simple CAD environment, you still need a huge mathematical CAD nucleus. So most applications do not include CAD modules, instead they suggest their customers to use famous expensive CAD tools in the market.PowerCAD technology is developed to provide the application programmers a reusable object library to develop CAD modules for their applications easily. With the PowerCad component you can make a 2D CAD editor with almost no code. However if you take it more professional, by some more code you can make very flexible customization for your environment.
- Status: Trial (work while IDE is running)
- Source: SW
- Price: $319
- Source price: $1080
- Size: 5892417 - 6088063kB
- Delphi 5
- Delphi 6
- Delphi 7