U příležitosti vydání nové verze RAD Studia 12.2 Athens jsme pro Vás připravili webinář v českém jazyce. Rádi bychom vám představili hlavní novinky a vylepšení Delphi a C++ Builderu 12.2.

By John Baumbach.

Freeware + source 10 Jan 1997


It is a button that paints one color gradually blending into another vertically across it's face. There are many customizable properties of the button's appearance, include font color and highlight color, and border width.


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: Included
  • Size: 6 kB

Platforms: D1, D2

By Harm.

Freeware + source 22 Feb 1999


Gradient filled button, six gradient styles to choose from. Looks great in 16 or 24 bit colors. This update improves performance for elliptic gradient, adds Dropdown menu (D4 only), Caption justification, and a couple big fixes.


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: Included
  • Size: 14 kB

Platforms: D2, D3, D4