XLY Salvationdata Technology INC.

Company Homepage: http://www.salvationdata.com/

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Company Products

Total 2 products

Database Tools > MySQL > Other

By XLY Salvationdata Technology INC..

Shareware 30 Mar 2021


DBR for MySQL is an efficient and powerful MySQL database repair tool that can repair corrupted,damaged or inaccessible MySQL databases, including database tables, views, functions, stored procedures, and triggers. In addition to repairing the database, it can also scan and recover deleted data in the database.


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: None
  • price: $199
  • Size: 79 577 kB

Platforms: Vista, W10, W2K, W2K3, W2K8, W7, W8, XP,

Database Tools > MySQL > Other

By XLY Salvationdata Technology INC..

Shareware 07 Jul 2021


DBR for SQLServer is an efficient and powerful SQLServer database repair tool that can recover corrupted, damaged or inaccessible SQLServer databases, including database tables, views, functions, stored procedures, and triggers. In addition to repairing the database, it can also scan and recover …


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: None
  • price: $299
  • Size: 78 809 kB

Platforms: W10, W7, W8,