Stephan Marais

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Design, explore and maintain databases, build compound SQL query statements, manage database user rights, and manipulate data fast and convenient.

Author Products

Total 16 products

Components > List and Combo Boxes > Draw Controls

By Stephan Marais.

Freeware + source 18 Dec 1998


This component displays a graphical list of all the Brush styles. Solid, Clear, Horizontal, Vertical, Diagonal Right, Diagonal Left, Cross, DiagCross. The Selection type is TBrushStyle.


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: Included
  • Size: 6 kB

Platforms: D4

Developer Tools > Help > Components

By Stephan Marais.

Freeware + source 02 Feb 2006


CompHelpGen is a basic component help file generator. It creates a standard Rich Text format (RTF) file and a Microsoft HelpWorkshop project file. It uses the Microsoft HelpWorkshop that ships with Delphi to compile the helpfile. A sample component and it's files are included.


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: Included
  • Size: 341 kB

Platforms: D4, D5, D6, D7

Database Tools > Sybase Databases > Power Tools

By Stephan Marais.

Freeware 01 Dec 2005


The Database Explorer is a hierarchical database browser with editing capabilities. DBExplorer connects to Sybase SQL Server or SQL Anywhere. Similar to Delphi's SQL Explorer. Future versions will include a Data Dictionary. Sybase Open Client is required and must be configured. The BDE is not used.


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: None
  • Size: 822 kB

Platforms: ME, NT4, W2K, W2K3, W95, W98, XP,

Database Tools > Sybase Databases > Light Tools

By Stephan Marais.

Freeware + source 29 Nov 2005


CTLibXplorer was designed to assist SQL developers and users with the tedious task of obtaining, maintaining and testing SQL scripts. It provides an easy-to-use and fast way to increase productivity. CTLibXplorer does not have any of the "dangerous" functions like dropping objects, truncating tables etc.


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: Included
  • Size: 2 094 kB

Platforms: ME, NT4, W2K, W2K3, W95, W98, XP,

Components > System > System Info

By Stephan Marais.

Freeware + source 21 Dec 1998


Gets device information about a particular capability from the specified device: DriverType ScreenSizeH ScreenSizeV ScreenResolutionH ScreenResolutionV PixelspInchH PixelspInchV BitspPixel PixelWidth PixelHeight PixelDiagonal RasterCapabilities CurveCapabilities LineCapabilities PolygonalCapabilities TextCapabilities.


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: Included
  • Size: 12 kB

Platforms: D3, D4

Components > Files and Drives > Disk Information

By Stephan Marais.

Freeware + source 23 Dec 1998


Gives information about the disk specified: Bytes Per Sector Clusters Disk Free Space Drive Drive Type File System Type Free Clusters Sectors Per Cluster Serial Number Total Disk Space Volume Name.


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: Included
  • Size: 9 kB

Platforms: D4

Components > System > System Info

By Stephan Marais.

Freeware + source 21 Dec 1998


Uses a shortcut to display information about the form, system and memory. System Info is needed for this component. When the hotkey is pressed on any form that contains this component, the following will be displayed: Exe Name Form Source File Display Height and Width Computer Name User Name System …


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: Included
  • Size: 13 kB

Platforms: D4

Components > LAN and WAN > MS Networks

By Stephan Marais.

Freeware 04 Jan 1999


Implements the scheduling for local or remote execution of jobs at given days and times using the Microsoft Lan Manager API (netapi32.dll). Gives information of scheduled jobs on local or remote Windows NT workstations. This component will only function on Windows NT (Workstation or Server).


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: On request
  • Size: 54 kB

Platforms: D4

Database Tools > Sybase Databases > Other

By Stephan Marais.

Freeware + source 29 Nov 2005


An application to monitor all the sql and CT-Lib function calls from CTTable TDataSet descendant that is part of the Open Client CT-Lib Component Pack. Just set the Monitor property on CTTable to True, and away you go. The application looks and work very similar to Delphi's SQL Monitor application.


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: Included
  • Size: 199 kB

Platforms: ME, NT4, W2K, W2K3, W95, W98, XP,

Components > List and Combo Boxes > Draw Controls

By Stephan Marais.

Freeware + source 18 Dec 1998


This component displays a graphical list of Pen widths 1-10. The Selection type is ShortInt.


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: Included
  • Size: 6 kB

Platforms: D4

Components > Buttons and Check Boxes > Check Boxes

By Stephan Marais.

Freeware + source 21 Dec 1998


The checkbox has a 3D look and can be resized. The size of the checkbox changes when resized.


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: Included
  • Size: 15 kB

Platforms: D4

Components > List and Combo Boxes > Font List and Combo Boxes

By Stephan Marais.

Freeware + source 21 Dec 1998


Inherited from TListBox. Displays a list of all the fonts installed. It also displays a sample of the font in a hint window when the mouse moves over the font name.


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: Included
  • Size: 8 kB

Platforms: D4

Database Tools > Sybase Databases > Power Tools

By Stephan Marais.

Commercial 01 Dec 2005


DbaMan is a database administration tool that helps you manage Sybase SQL Server databases as a programmer. It is a utility for developers and database administrators. No DLL or "BDE" needed, only the Sybase Open Client DLL (LIBSYBDB.DLL). It works with Sybase 4.92, System 10.


  • Status: Partially restricted
  • Source: None
  • price: $99
  • Size: 458 kB

Platforms: ME, NT4, W2K, W2K3, W95, W98, XP,

DB-Aware Components > Direct DB Access > Sybase

By Stephan Marais.

Freeware + source 17 May 1999


This file contains the source and header file for the Sybase DB-Library components. It includes quite a few uncompleted components and 15 fully functional components. The functional components are: SybCheckListBox, SybGenerate (version of the Database Form Wizard), SybGrid, SybLabel, SybTabListBox, …


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: Included
  • Size: 908 kB

Platforms: D4

Components > System > System Info

By Stephan Marais.

Freeware + source 29 Dec 1998


Gives information about the system: Architecture AvailPhysMemory AvailSwapMemory BuildNumber ComputerName MajorVersion MinorVersion NetworkUserName NumberOfProcessors Platform ProcessorType RegCompanyName RegUserName SystemDirectory TempDirectory TotalPhysMemory TotalSwapMemory WindowsDirectory.


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: Included
  • Size: 13 kB

Platforms: D4

Database Tools > Sybase Databases > Light Tools

By Stephan Marais.

Freeware + source 01 Dec 2005


A Windows BCP Utility for Sybase. You can connect to multiple Sybase servers at once and have a database explorer look with the databases/tables on the left and a list of files on the right. Just drag and drop from table to file or file to table. The Open Client CT-Lib Component Pack is needed to re-compile.


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: Included
  • Size: 682 kB

Platforms: ME, NT4, W2K, W2K3, W95, W98, XP,