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Create feature-rich windows applications with many new components and universal dialogs.
- improved DBGrid
- new DBRecordView, DBTreeView
- toolbars and db dialogs to Find, Filter, Sort, Export, Print...
- StringGrid with columns definition
- GroupBox with automatic alignment and resizing of owned controls
And many more from $25 to $95 only - click for details!
Total 1 product
By Softaware.
Commercial 24 May 2005Description
The Form Spinner Component creates a carousel of related Forms that can be spun using the mouse. Forms can be pulled out of this to be viewed or used, and docked back with the carousel again. The Carousel and Undocked windows can have inertia and windows can be made to automatically dock with the …Informations
- Status: Evaluation (time-limit)
- Source: On purchase/registration
- price: $49
- Exe demo: included
- Size: 297 kB
Platforms: D5, D7