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Společnost Embarcadero vyhlásila na měsíc květen Amnestii. Uživatelé starších verzí RAD Studia, Delphi nebo C++Builderu s déle jak rok propadlým předplatným, tak mohou získat "Upgrade" na aktuální verzi 12.1 Athens za výrazně výhodnějších podmínek.

Company Products

Total 2 products

Applications in Delphi and BCB > Science > Other

By CRESTech.

Freeware 23 Mar 1999


GraphEz is a small unility to draw scientific graph. Features: Linear or Log Axis Auto or manual scale Draw Line, Dot, Bar, Bezier, BSpline, CubSpline or Regression for each Y series seperately Anti-Aliasing drawing option Draw Error Bar Copy to ClipBoard for further processing by other software …


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: None
  • Size: 256 kB

Platforms: NT4, W95, W98,

Applications in Delphi and BCB > Catalogs > Simple DB

By CRESTech.

Shareware 05 Feb 1998


Jot+ Notes is full-featured Cardfile replacement. Use Jot+ for lists, notes, quotes, thoughts, addresses, recipes, entire books, and a host of other applications. Everyone can find uses for Jot+. The Jot+ feature list includes: unlimited notes per file; up to 1MB text per note; rich text with multiple fonts, …


  • Status: Evaluation (time-limit)
  • Source: None
  • price: $20
  • Size: 655 kB

Platforms: NT4, W95,