Robert T. Palmqvist
Create feature-rich windows applications with many new components and universal dialogs.
- improved DBGrid
- new DBRecordView, DBTreeView
- toolbars and db dialogs to Find, Filter, Sort, Export, Print...
- StringGrid with columns definition
- GroupBox with automatic alignment and resizing of owned controls
And many more from $25 to $95 only - click for details!
Total 1 product
Components > Internet > Sockets
A Simple VCL Encapsulation of the WinSocket API. Classes in this Unit: TCustomSocket - A Generic Base Socket Class TTCPClient - A TCP Client VCL (derived from TCustomSocket) TTCPServer - A TCP Server VCL (derived from TCustomSocket) TUDPClient - A UDP Client VCL (derived from TCustomSocket) TUDPServer - …Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 23 kB
Platforms: D2, D3