Rainier Lamers

Author Homepage: http://users.iafrica.com/r/ra/rainier/index.htm

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In the update:

  • Report designer improvements
  • New data field editor
  • Added new transport to S3 (AWS)

Author Products

Total 1 product

Developer Tools > Developer Tools > Compilers

By Rainier Lamers.

Shareware 16 Jan 2006


Embedded Pascal will do for your Embedded Application development what Borlands Delphi compiler did for Windows programming. RAD application development for 8 bit Embedded Applications. Embedded Pascal is Delphi compatible. Using an extended subset of the well known Borland Pascal, …


  • Status: Not available
  • Source: None
  • price: $99
  • Size: 1 113 kB

Platforms: D2, D3, D4, D5