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Až do 28.2.2025 nabízíme nové licence vývojových nástrojů společnosti Embarcadero s prodlouženým předplatným aktualizací a technické podpory na celkem 30 měsíců v ceně!
Pokud dáváte raději přednost slevám, můžete zvolit standardní licenci s ročním předplatným, ale se slevou ve výši 20% u edic Profesional, 25% u edic Enterprise a 30% u edic Architect. Licence InterBase pak můžete zakoupit se slevou 25%.
Total 2 products
.NET Tools > Installation Tools > Install Tools
By Proggle.
05 Jul 2007Description
Installer/GD is a full-featured lightweight application installation, maintenance, and deinstallation software package for Windows. Installer/GD offers a wide range of professional features found in other commercial installers, at a fraction of cost, with some unique features not available in any other installer.Informations
- Status: Evaluation (time-limit)
- Source: None
- price: $39.95
- Size: 1 645 kB
Platforms: C2k6, C2k7, CB1, CB3, CB4, CB5, CB6, D2, D2005, D2006, D2007, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7
Applications in Delphi and BCB > Internet > Blogs, RSS, etc.
By Proggle.
26 Sep 2007Description
Compared to the other feed readers, Novobot offers a better way of reading your news feeds. The news feed content display pane offers full Unicode support for international feeds and newspaper-like headline view for efficient browsing. The content is displayed with full formatting, …Informations
- Status: Evaluation (time-limit)
- Source: None
- price: $19
- Size: 4 671 kB
Platforms: ME, NT4, Vista, W2K, W2K3, W98, XP,