Peter Kuzovkov
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Create feature-rich windows applications with many new components and universal dialogs.
- improved DBGrid
- new DBRecordView, DBTreeView
- toolbars and db dialogs to Find, Filter, Sort, Export, Print...
- StringGrid with columns definition
- GroupBox with automatic alignment and resizing of owned controls
And many more from $25 to $95 only - click for details!
Total 1 product
Components > Component Packs > Interface Lite
By Peter Kuzovkov.
Freeware + source 25 Apr 2007Description
Color controls is a set of components that work with lists (such as TListBox, TComboBox, TDBGrid etc.) that give interface to control their appearence. You can choose colors of odd and even lines, color of selected record, color of multi-selected records (different for odd and even lines), color of inplace editor etc.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 490 kB
Platforms: D5, D6, D7