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Pokud dáváte raději přednost slevám, můžete zvolit standardní licenci s ročním předplatným, ale se slevou ve výši 20% u edic Profesional, 25% u edic Enterprise a 30% u edic Architect. Licence InterBase pak můžete zakoupit se slevou 25%.
Total 1 product
Components > Buttons and Check Boxes > Other Buttons
By SPS-2.
Freeware + source 16 Jun 1998Description
It is the newest component, which provides you with a cool button in the Tray icon area. The Tray Button 98 behaves like a standard MS IE 3.0/4.0 button, just in the Tray area near Windows 95 clock. You may choose any 32x32 or 16x16 icon to see how it will look in the Tray. The VCL component …Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Exe demo: included
- Size: 3 kB
Platforms: D2, D3