Nikolai Botev

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Společnost Embarcadero vyhlásila na měsíc květen Amnestii. Uživatelé starších verzí RAD Studia, Delphi nebo C++Builderu s déle jak rok propadlým předplatným, tak mohou získat "Upgrade" na aktuální verzi 12.1 Athens za výrazně výhodnějších podmínek.

Author Products

Total 3 products

Components > Edits, Memos > Enhanced Edits

By Nikolai Botev.

Freeware + source 18 Jun 1997


An edit control with an elipsis ("...") button to the right.


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: Included
  • Size: 3 kB

Platforms: D1, D2

Components > Forms > Other

By Nikolai Botev.

Freeware + source 18 Jun 1997


A component that enhances the properties of a form by allowing it to accept files, to have a minimum and maximum tracking size, and to easily save and restore its size and position.


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: Included
  • Size: 5 kB

Platforms: D1, D2

Components > Sizers, Scrollers, etc. > Splitters

By Nikolai Botev.

Freeware + source 18 Jun 1997


A fully functional splitter component. With this component and some others you can create an application with Internet Explorer 3 style interface.


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: Included
  • Size: 5 kB

Platforms: D1, D2