
Company Homepage: http://www.konstresearch.com

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Company Products

Total 2 products

.NET > Date and Time > Clocks

By KonstResearch.

Shareware 10 Apr 2007


DigitalClock component provides time displaying in form of segmented indicator. The control works with timezone settings and provides flexible API for Daylight Saving Time. The indicator shows hours, minutes and seconds (optional). Two modes for time standard are supported, i.e. 24h format and AM/PM.


  • Status: With Nag-Screen
  • Source: None
  • price: $73
  • Size: 170 kB

Platforms: C#, VC++

.NET > Science > Vector

By KonstResearch.

Shareware 25 Jan 2008


KonstSolver is a high-performance vector and matrix library for .NET (C#, C++ and VB), thread based, 100% managed code. Parallel LU algorithm for solving dense system of linear equations Ax=b provides amazing speedup on multicore and multiprocessor computers. KonstSolver allows the following …


  • Status: Evaluation (time-limit)
  • Source: N/A
  • price: $100
  • Size: 401 kB

Platforms: C#, D2006, D2007, S2005, S2008, VC++