Jim Baker and Iron Tesseract OCR Team
Company Homepage: https://ironsoftware.com/csharp/ocr/tutorials/c-sharp-tesseract-ocr/
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Developer Tools > Other Tools > Other
By Jim Baker and Iron Tesseract OCR Team.
20 Apr 2021Description
Iron OCR is an advanced OCR library for the .NET framework aimed at C# engineers. It provides a highly optimised Tesseract engine embedded within Iron OCR with nothing external to install. The Iron OCR Iron Tesseract class can then be used to read text from scanned images and PDF documents.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: None
- price: $399
- Size: 43 038 kB
Platforms: CB3, CB4, CB5, CB6, D2005, D4, D6, D7