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Total 33 products
Applications in Delphi and BCB > Internet > Web Developer Tools
By JanSoft.
Freeware 22 Apr 2002Description
EasyPDF is a XML to PDF converter supporting: page, text (single line text), section (multi-line text that can auto-flow), font (name, size, leading), stroke (color, width, style), fill (color), shape (rectangle, ellipse), line, function (for repeating blocks and headers and footers), call (for executing a function); …Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: None
- Size: 458 kB
Platforms: ME, NT4, W2K, W95, W98, XP,
Components > Component Packs > Other
By JanSoft.
Freeware + source 31 Aug 2000Description
The Gismo collection contains the janStrings utility unit and 4 releated components: TjanScript a Forth style language with XML and Database support; TjanXMLTree a DOM based XML parser with filter methods; TjanWebServer a compact web server with integrated janScript support; TjanPagedFile a …Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 721 kB
Platforms: D4, D5
Components > Buttons and Check Boxes > Non-standard form
By JanSoft.
Freeware + source 10 Jan 2000Description
JanButton is a set if 16 Geometrical TButton descendant buttons: ellipse, triangles, pentagon, octagon, ring-shaped etc. with font and surface color; an example of using Windows regions.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 150 kB
Platforms: D4, D5
Components > Indicators and Gauges > Packs
By JanSoft.
Freeware + source 03 Jan 2000Description
JanSim is a set of 12 Simulation components including TjanSimLogicBox for "no code" simulation of digital electronics, and TjanSimPID and TjanSimScope for analog instrumentation simulation.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 93 kB
Platforms: D4, D5
Components > Internet > HTML, XML and so on
By JanSoft.
Freeware + source 23 May 2004Description
TjanXMLParser2 is a validating XML parser and XSLT engine with the following features: Dozens of usefull DOM methods. Optional auto-indexing of nodes by name and id. Attributes can hold variant values, ideal for using the parser as a data model. Select node sets using XPath expressions.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 97 kB
Platforms: D5
DB-Aware Components > Visual > Packs
By JanSoft.
Freeware + source 21 Sep 1999Description
jvCSVBase is a collection of 5 components for handling of CSV database files: TjvCSVBase, TjvCSVEdit, TjvCSVComboBox, TjvCSVCheckBox and TjvCSVNavigator. Drop the components on a form and you can: create, restructure, browse and edit CSV database files without any programming. Help file included.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 9 kB
Platforms: D4, D5
Components > Shapes > Enhanced Shapes
By JanSoft.
Freeware + source 02 Aug 1999Description
JVShape is a GraphicControl with 69 different shapes, 26 different gradient fill modes, a caption that can be freely positioned and rotated, and a onUserDraw event that can be used to do additional drawing on the jvshape canvas.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 9 kB
Platforms: D4
Components > Grids > Power Grids
By JanSoft.
Freeware + source 14 Sep 1999Description
JVStringGrid is a TStringGrid descendant featuring: LoadFromCSV, SaveToCSV, SavetoHTML, SaveToXML; insert/delete/append columns/rows; cut/copy/paste/clear/fill range; alpha/number/date sort row/columns; print and print preview; autocalculation spreadsheet; display formula/value; autosize rows/columns; …Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 39 kB
Platforms: D4, D5
Code Samples > Samples > Multimedia And Graphics
By JanSoft.
Freeware + source 20 Feb 2001Description
Movies is an example of a GIF animator with integrated drawing tool. Links to used third party components are on author’s website.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 119 kB
Platforms: D3, D4, D5
Code Samples > Samples > Applications
By JanSoft.
Freeware + source 20 Feb 2001Description
Synth is an example of a syntax highlighted and scriptable programmer’s editor. Links to used third party components published at author’s website.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 76 kB
Platforms: D3, D4, D5
Components > Tools > Multi Language
By JanSoft.
Freeware + source 18 Oct 1999Description
TjanLanguage is a TComponent descendant that allows you to give the users of your program the ability to change all captions,text and hints of any component in the user interface like menus, buttons, labels, listbox items etc.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 3 kB
Platforms: D4, D5
Components > Buttons and Check Boxes > Power Buttons
By JanSoft.
Freeware + source 05 Jun 2000Description
TjanArrayButton provides an array of buttons. Set columns, rows, colors, captions and hints. OnArrayButtonClicked event provides column and row of the clicked button.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 3 kB
Platforms: D3, D4, D5
Components > Edits, Memos > Enhanced Edits
By JanSoft.
Freeware + source 14 Dec 1999Description
TjanButtonEdit is an Edit box with integral glyph button.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 1 kB
Platforms: D4, D5
Components > Buttons and Check Boxes > Buttons
By JanSoft.
Freeware + source 22 Nov 1999Description
TjanColorButton is a TGraphicControl descendant featuring: normal, highlight and down color of button face and caption; wordwrap; tiled background image; latching.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 13 kB
Platforms: D4, D5
Components > List and Combo Boxes > File-related Controls
By JanSoft.
Freeware + source 20 Feb 2001Description
TjanFileListBox is a TFileListBox descendant displaying file (association) icons.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 1 kB
Platforms: D3, D4, D5
Components > Grids > Power Grids
By JanSoft.
Freeware + source 28 Oct 1999Description
TjanGrid is a TStringGrid descendant featuring: AutoCalc Spreadsheet, Named Cells, Cell Info Hints, R1C1 or A1 cell reference, LoadFrom CSV/ HTML, SaveTo CSV/ HTML/ XML, insert/ delete/ append/ autosize columns/rows; cut/ copy/ paste/ clear/ fill range; alpha/ number/ date sort row/ columns; wordwrap.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 46 kB
Platforms: D4, D5
Components > Edits, Memos > Enhanced Edits
By JanSoft.
Freeware + source 14 Dec 1999Description
TjanLabelEdit is an Edit box with integral Label and autosized text scrolling range.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 1 kB
Platforms: D4, D5
By JanSoft.
Freeware + source 13 Jul 2000Description
TjanMarkupViewer is a TCustomControl descendant that renders its Text property in HTML style as a scrollable view. Supported tags: Bold, Italic, Underline, Font (face, size and color) and Break.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 7 kB
Platforms: D3, D4, D5
Components > Buttons and Check Boxes > Other Buttons
By JanSoft.
Freeware + source 14 Dec 1999Description
With TjanPanelButton you associate a TPanel that will be dropped down/hidden when clicking the button. The panel can contain any control including TjanPanelButton instances. Closing the panel will also close any panels associated with TjanPanelButtons on subpanels.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 9 kB
Platforms: D4, D5
Components > Edits, Memos > Other Edits
By JanSoft.
Freeware + source 14 Dec 1999Description
TjanReplace is a smart find and replace component that can be used with any text editor. Features: pattern find and replace; up to 32 replacement parameters. Help file includes sample code for use with TmwCustomEdit.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 11 kB
Platforms: D4, D5
Components > Buttons and Check Boxes > Speed Buttons
By JanSoft.
Freeware + source 14 Dec 1999Description
TjanRunButton is a TGraphicControl descendant. Drop it on a form without code or properties to set and that is it. The user can right-click the button to select a program and left-click the button to launch that program. The program Icon is displayed on the button and the Hint shows the program name.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 7 kB
Platforms: D4, D5
By JanSoft.
Freeware + source 03 Feb 2001Description
TjanSAL is a general purpose script engine with parser, compiler and runner for user defined stack bases script languages. Comes with TjanSALCore, a sample language supporting program flow (if else case repeat etc.), sub-routines etc. Any object procedure or language module can be added to a …Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 36 kB
Platforms: D3, D4, D5
Components > Tools > Spell Checkers
By JanSoft.
Freeware + source 05 Feb 2000Description
TjanSpeller is a spelling component that allows spelling of any short or very long text string. Features: help file, no dll’s required, integrated spelling skip/ change/ add dialog, 30000 word English.dic and 280000 word Dutch.dic, supports user dicationaries, virtually no coding required, …Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 597 kB
Platforms: D4, D5
DB-Aware Components > Direct DB Access > Custom
By JanSoft.
Freeware + source 04 Apr 2002Description
TjanSQL is a single user relational Database engine implemented as a Delphi object using plain text files with semi-colon seperated data for data storage. Supported SQL: SELECT (with table joins, field aliases and calculated), UPDATE, INSERT (values and sub-select), DELETE, CREATE TABLE, DROP TABLE, …Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Exe demo: included
- Size: 416 kB
Platforms: D4, D5, D6
Components > Bars and Status Bars > Outlook Style
By JanSoft.
Freeware + source 30 Nov 1999Description
TjanTabBar is an Outlook style TabBar inspired by Tabbed Panel (Outlook style) from Lincoln Birnie. Features: Scrollable collapseable Tabbed Sections that can be added, deleted and moved at design time; Section tabs can have individual: font, alignment, tabcolor, glyph, hottrack color and a tiled background image.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 15 kB
Platforms: D4, D5
Components > Sizers, Scrollers, etc. > TrackBars
By JanSoft.
Freeware + source 20 Dec 1999Description
TjanTracker is a TCustomControl descendant. Features: trackbar with tiled image background, custom track color and size, custom tumb color and size, optional value display on tumb, horizontal or vertical orientation, onChangedValue event.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 3 kB
Platforms: D4, D5
Components > Internet > HTML, XML and so on
By JanSoft.
Freeware + source 06 Dec 2002Description
TjanXMLParser is a native Delphi XML parser object that creates a DOM API and allows node selection using QXML that mimics the SQL WHERE clause. A working demo application (EasyXML 3.0) is included. New: XSLT support for e.g. XML to HTML transformation.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Exe demo: included
- Size: 514 kB
Platforms: D3, D4, D5
Components > Internet > HTML, XML and so on
By JanSoft.
Freeware + source 03 Jul 2000Description
TjanXMLTree is a XML/XSL parser with DOM, extended filtering and quick LoadFromFile / SaveToFile methods.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 8 kB
Platforms: D4, D5
Components > Shapes > Enhanced Shapes
By JanSoft.
Freeware + source 14 Sep 1999Description
TjvAirBrush is a TComponent descendant featuring: instant airbrush for any canvas, 5 brush shapes, opacity from 1-100%.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 4 kB
Platforms: D4, D5
Components > Dialogs > Extended Dialogs
By JanSoft.
Freeware + source 09 Sep 1999Description
TjvGridPrinter is a preview/print dialog component for printing a TStringGrid and descendants, featuring: full scale orzoomed preview; user set print properties in dialog box: margins, header text/size/margin, footer text/size, page/time/date metatags, wordwrap, number alignment/formatting, show/hide borders.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 12 kB
Platforms: D4, D5
By JanSoft.
Freeware + source 14 Sep 1999Description
TjvGridFilter is a TComponent descendant that will filter the rows of any TStringGrid or descendant. Just drop a TjvGridFilter on your form and assign the Grid property and use the Filter method to hide rows that do not match the filter.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 4 kB
Platforms: D4, D5
Components > ListViews and TreeViews > Enhanced TreeViews
By JanSoft.
Freeware + source 04 Oct 1999Description
TjvTreeView is a TTreeView descendant featuring: integrated node management, recursive node duplication, node calculation with node variables, integrated Load/ Save/ Find dialogs, custom KeyMappings.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 12 kB
Platforms: D4, D5
By JanSoft.
Freeware + source 31 May 1999Description
jvTurtle is a non-visible Graphics component that accepts a PainterScript in the form of a string and draws on any canvas that is assigned at run-time to its canvas property. A helpfile on how to use the component and a complete description of the PainterScript graphics language is included.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 16 kB
Platforms: D4