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Společnost Embarcadero vyhlásila na měsíc květen Amnestii. Uživatelé starších verzí RAD Studia, Delphi nebo C++Builderu s déle jak rok propadlým předplatným, tak mohou získat "Upgrade" na aktuální verzi 12.1 Athens za výrazně výhodnějších podmínek.

Company Products

Total 2 products

Components > Tools > Multi Language

By ProTeam.

Freeware + source 28 Jun 2002


Visual component for Internationalization feature in your application.


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: Included
  • Size: 2 kB

Platforms: D5, D6

Applications in Delphi and BCB > Editors > Other

By ProTeam.

Shareware 03 Dec 2002


SQL editor was designed for professional SQL-programmers with the aim to assist them in an SQL queries building, debugging and presenting results in a comfortable forms like HTML pages. SQL has a powerful mechanism of Templates and features.


  • Status: Evaluation (time-limit)
  • Source: On purchase/registration
  • price: $20
  • Source price: $300
  • Size: 1 230 kB

Platforms: ME, NT4, W2K, W98, XP,