Grigoriy Mylnikov
U příležitosti vydání nové verze RAD Studia 12.2 Athens jsme pro Vás připravili webinář v českém jazyce. Rádi bychom vám představili hlavní novinky a vylepšení Delphi a C++ Builderu 12.2.
Total 1 product
Applications in Delphi and BCB > Editors > HEX Editors
Hextor is a Hexadecimal editor and binary data analyzing toolkit. It was created to make working with binary file formats as simple and convenient as with plain text. Although it is staffed with a powerful set of data analyzing tools, it starts instantly and rapidly works with files of any size.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 4 168 kB
Platforms: W10,