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Professional set of Delphi and C++Builder components for virtual instrumentation
- Meters, Bars (Gauge), with linear or log(10) scaling
- Digital indicators (time, value)
- Operating Point display
- Dial (knob), Sliders, Trend/Recorder
- buttons, switches, LED indicators
- DB-Aware components and many more
Total 1 product
.NET Tools > Project > CASE, UML
Description is a modelling and prototyping tool from, contains a UML-class modeller, contains a UML-state machine modeller, lets you execute your model including the state machines, uses the standard OCL as constraint and query language, can reverse engineer existing databases, …Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: None
- price: $700
- Size: 6 520 kB
Platforms: C#, S2005, S2008, VC++