Bernt Levinsson
Author Homepage:
Create feature-rich windows applications with many new components and universal dialogs.
- improved DBGrid
- new DBRecordView, DBTreeView
- toolbars and db dialogs to Find, Filter, Sort, Export, Print...
- StringGrid with columns definition
- GroupBox with automatic alignment and resizing of owned controls
And many more from $25 to $95 only - click for details!
Total 11 products
Applications in Delphi and BCB > Files and Drives > Backup
By Bernt Levinsson.
Freeware 10 Sep 2002Description
A backup program. Backup creates ZIP files, mirror functions via copy or FTP. Several backup sets can be configured. Folders and separate files can be added to each backup set. For each backup set there’s the option to delete specified files depending on the extension you enter.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: N/A
- Size: 1 751 kB
Platforms: ME, NT4, W2K, W95, W98, XP,
Applications in Delphi and BCB > Internet > Web Developer Tools
By Bernt Levinsson.
Freeware 25 Jul 2000Description
An application for use to create buttons in different styles and shapes. Main purpose in the beginning was to create simple button that was not bigger then 200 bytes. Well, it has expaned a bit and there’s possible to create some very simple and clean buttons to complex stuff (No internal …Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: N/A
- Size: 1 622 kB
Platforms: NT4, W2K, W95, W98,
Applications in Delphi and BCB > Communications > Ports and Modems
By Bernt Levinsson.
Freeware 22 Jun 1998Description
DOS Dial uses installed Dialup Networking to dial a created entry. You use command line argument to see valid entries, or open Dialup networking folder to se the names you gived the entries. An entry is pass as an command line argument, eg; DDial -d:"My connection". DOS Dial then dial up, …Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: N/A
- Size: 142 kB
Platforms: NT4, W95, W98,
Applications in Delphi and BCB > Files and Drives > Utilities
By Bernt Levinsson.
Freeware 17 Sep 1998Description
Another kind of way to explore drives and folders (Right click drive/folder to show "Fake!" menu choice). Name and command line arguments set in Setup. Fake! looks like a pop-up menu, right click on the Fake! for options in a popup menu (explorer here, folder here, console here, find here, delete).Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: N/A
- Size: 286 kB
Platforms: NT4, W95, W98,
Applications in Delphi and BCB > Editors > Editors for Web
By Bernt Levinsson.
Freeware 21 Aug 2005Description
HTML editor with some additional utilities. Requires Microsoft Internet Explorer installed.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: N/A
- Size: 571 kB
Platforms: ME, NT4, W2K, W2K3, W95, W98, XP,
Applications in Delphi and BCB > System > Tools
By Bernt Levinsson.
Freeware 13 Oct 2004Description
Manage services from tray. Configure and execute favorites...Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: None
- Size: 943 kB
Platforms: W2K, W2K3, XP,
Components > Component Packs > Multi-purpose Middle
By Bernt Levinsson.
Freeware + source 28 Feb 2002Description
"This is some components for Delphi 4, Delphi 5 and Delphi 6. Delphi 3 I’ve not checked if anyone compiles with it, I’ve removed D3 from my system. No precompiled demos, but I’ve done an app that’s included to compile included examples direct form this application."Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 714 kB
Platforms: D4, D5, D6
Components > Files and Drives > Browsers
By Bernt Levinsson.
Freeware + source 21 Jan 1999Description
A bunch of TPanels created in a TScrollBox. One TPanel for each drive found, free space, total size shown if needed... (The panels behaviour is like speed buttons). Can become usefull if you create a new bells and wisthles SpeedDisk;-)Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Size: 72 kB
Platforms: D3, D4
By Bernt Levinsson.
Freeware + source 26 Nov 1998Description
Move a TControl on a TForm, or move TForm by moving a TControl (exe-demo for Delphi 4).Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: Included
- Exe demo: included
- Size: 109 kB
Platforms: D3, D4
Applications in Delphi and BCB > Multimedia > Various Players
By Bernt Levinsson.
Freeware 05 May 1999Description
MPEG player (music only). Using XAudio engine 3.2.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: None
- Size: 734 kB
Platforms: NT4, W95, W98,
Applications in Delphi and BCB > System > Apps and Tasks
By Bernt Levinsson.
Freeware 01 Nov 2002Description
Application luncher. Four menus you design that are accessed from each corner of your screen. When move the mouse to a corner a triangle is shown and you then click to show the menu. Built in menu designer.Informations
- Status: Fully functional
- Source: N/A
- Size: 1 027 kB
Platforms: ME, NT4, W2K, W95, W98, XP,