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Professional set of Delphi and C++Builder components for virtual instrumentation

  • Meters, Bars (Gauge), with linear or log(10) scaling
  • Digital indicators (time, value)
  • Operating Point display
  • Dial (knob), Sliders, Trend/Recorder
  • buttons, switches, LED indicators
  • DB-Aware components and many more
Company Products

Total 3 products

Components > Files and Drives > Search

By Technisoft.

Freeware + source 30 Jul 1999


Two components for smart searching for files through your disk drives. It scans user specified drives or paths for files selected by file mask. File mask can contain multiple masks (for example: *.exe,*.dll,*.ocx,*.vxd). Thread based search algorithm saves system resources for best background performance.


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: Included
  • Size: 13 kB

Platforms: D3, D4

DB-Aware Components > Visual > Edits and Memos

By Technisoft.

Freeware + source 29 Sep 1998


Simple TEdit like component that scan DataSource for user spiecifed record. As in Windows help/index.


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: Included
  • Size: 3 kB

Platforms: CB3, D3, D4

Components > Tools > Project

By Technisoft.

Freeware + source 29 Sep 1998


Two Delphi components that help you to control your program Version information (such as VersionNumber, ProductName, CompanyName, FileDescription) and protect it from changes. Contains: TVersionView - component like TLabel that display version information from your program file. TVersionProtect - …


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: Included
  • Size: 10 kB

Platforms: CB3, D3, D4