Mobile apps and web portal for Trophies assessment

In the name of companies YAMACO Software and Kvintech Solutions we’d like to inform you about launching our new project which focuses on support for rating hunting trophies with mobile apps and gathering results of these ratings on a specialized website, in other words on a special internet site.
What’s going on and what’s the sense?YAMACO Software has been delivering a highly rated system for rating the trophies for a very long time – since 1993. However, the range of this app has been limited to PC and laptops only. Our new solution goes further, as it offers
- A very easily controlable mobile app for rating common kinds of trophies anywhere and whenever – during the hunt, after the successful hunt, for control of an existing protocol or just because you want to do so
- Mobile apps allow optinal flow of datas of a chosen rating (including photos of a rated trophy) on specialized web site, where the datas of rated trophies will be stored
- Smartphones and tablets with Android OS
- Smartphones with BlackBerry OS
- Smartphones and tablets with iOS – iPhone and iPad
What does the app do?
Quickly and accurately rate trophies – no more, no less. At this moment you may rate 9 most common hunted kinds – with possibility of adding new ones based on interest of users. Therefore you can expect several exotic kinds as well – like African ones or those living on Siberia or in North America. There’s a usual form for input data for every kind of trophy. App itself will do necessary counting, summary of positive and negative points and output of a protocol of a rating. Protocols are saved into a list where you can see all saved datas or sort them by many various parameters. You may save up to 3 pictures of every trophy as well. Results of rating could be uploaded on a portal Trophies Assessment and therefore you can share your trophies and your experiences too with hunters from all over the world.
Portal Trophies Assessment
Specialized web site gathers ratings, photos of trophies, provides searching among datas and discussion among users as well. NOTE: The only possible way to add datas is via our mobile app. Manual inputs are prohibited.
Why should this get the users' interest?Simply – because we follow our tradition. Our software HUNTING MANAGEMENT – predecessor of Trophies Assessment – has been proving its qualities among many of our clients. But that’s not all – it was used for rating of thousands of trophies at exhibition Natura Viva in Lysá nad Labem (Czech republic, Europe) in 2009 and 2015 and on both occassions it worked without any problems. There’s no product – in Czech Republic – which could face it up in terms of quality.
And what else?We’re working on improvements of both mobile app and portal. For example, graphical help, new languages, new kind for ratings, better user interface and so on.