Professional set of Delphi and C++Builder components for virtual instrumentation

  • Meters, Bars (Gauge), with linear or log(10) scaling
  • Digital indicators (time, value)
  • Operating Point display
  • Dial (knob), Sliders, Trend/Recorder
  • buttons, switches, LED indicators
  • DB-Aware components and many more

DB-Aware Components > DB Access > Packs

By WINSOFT spol. s r.o..

Shareware Update 02 Dec 2023


ADO Component Suite - components for universal data access using ADO (ActiveX Data Objects).


  • Status: With Nag-Screen
  • Source: On purchase/registration
  • price: $100
  • Size: 4 454 kB

Platforms: C10, C10.1, C10.2, C10.3, C10.4, C11, C11.1, C2k10, C2k6, C2k7, C2k9, CB12, CB4, CB5, CB6, CB64, CBXE, CBXE2, CBXE3, CBXE4, CBXE5, CBXE6, CBXE7, CBXE8, D10, D10.1, D10.2, D10.3, D10.4, D11, D11.1, D12, D2005, D2006, D2007, D2009, D2010, D5, D6, D7, DXE, DXE2, DXE3, DXE4, DXE5, DXE6, DXE64, DXE7, DXE8

DB-Aware Components > Direct DB Access > Other

By WINSOFT spol. s r.o..

Shareware New 02 Dec 2023


Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) library for Android.


  • Status: With Nag-Screen
  • Source: On purchase/registration
  • price: $80
  • Size: 8 372 kB

Platforms: C10.4, C11, C11.1, CB12, D10.4, D11, D11.1, D12

DB-Aware Components > Direct DB Access > MS Other

By WINSOFT spol. s r.o..

Shareware Update 25 Nov 2023


Delphi and C++ Builder components for accessing MS Access databases using DAO (Data Access Objects) and ACEDAO.


  • Status: With Nag-Screen
  • Source: On purchase/registration
  • price: $120
  • Source price: $270
  • Size: 5 609 kB

Platforms: C10, C10.1, C10.2, C10.3, C10.4, C11, C11.1, C2k10, C2k6, C2k7, C2k9, CB12, CB4, CB5, CB6, CB64, CBXE, CBXE2, CBXE3, CBXE4, CBXE5, CBXE6, CBXE7, CBXE8, D10, D10.1, D10.2, D10.3, D10.4, D11, D11.1, D12, D2005, D2006, D2007, D2009, D2010, D5, D6, D7, DXE, DXE2, DXE3, DXE4, DXE5, DXE6, DXE64, DXE7, DXE8

DB-Aware Components > Direct DB Access > Redis

By PyBridge.

Commercial New 18 Aug 2022


Component for handling RedisGraph – a fast graph database powered by linear algebra and matrix multiplication based on Redis. Its main features are: Property graph model based on openCypher query language Cypher queries translate into linear algebra expressions Nodes can have any number of labels …


  • Status: Trial (work while IDE is running)
  • Source: None
  • price: $200
  • Size: 2 317 kB

Platforms: C10, C10.1, C10.2, C10.3, C10.4, C11, C11.1, D10, D10.1, D10.2, D10.3, D10.4, D11, D11.1

DB-Aware Components > Direct DB Access > Neo4j

By PyBridge.

Commercial New 18 Aug 2022


Component for handling Neo4j – an ACID-compliant transactional database with native graph storage and processing. PBClient for Neo4j provides entire Neo4j query syntax based on Cypher. In addition, PBClient for Neo4j has special tools for the most used Cypher commands for nodes and edges, …


  • Status: Trial (work while IDE is running)
  • Source: None
  • price: $300
  • Size: 2 257 kB

Platforms: C10, C10.1, C10.2, C10.3, C10.4, C11, C11.1, D10, D10.1, D10.2, D10.3, D10.4, D11, D11.1

DB-Aware Components > Packs > Other

By PyBridge.

Commercial New 18 Aug 2022


A bundle with all components for Redis. Following components are included: PBRedisClient PBRedisGraph PBRedisTimeSeries Advantages of PBStudio over a bunch of separate components: 10% cheaper than separate components Free components in a bundle: Buy a bundle now and enjoy all new component releases …


  • Status: Trial (work while IDE is running)
  • Source: None
  • price: $680
  • Size: 5 937 kB

Platforms: C10, C10.1, C10.2, C10.3, C10.4, C11, C11.1, D10, D10.1, D10.2, D10.3, D10.4, D11, D11.1

DB-Aware Components > Direct DB Access > Redis

By PyBridge.

Commercial New 15 Aug 2022


Component for working with Time Series data structure in Redis – downsampling, compaction, min, max, avg, sum, range, deviations and much more. PBClient for RedisTimeSeries will provide you with: Native-like command syntax: TS_CREATE, TS_MADD, TS_INFO All possible RedisTimeSeries commands Get the …


  • Status: Trial (work while IDE is running)
  • Source: None
  • price: $200
  • Size: 2 397 kB

Platforms: C10, C10.1, C10.2, C10.3, C10.4, C11, C11.1, D10, D10.1, D10.2, D10.3, D10.4, D11, D11.1

DB-Aware Components > Direct DB Access > Redis

By PyBridge.

Commercial New 12 Aug 2022


Component for handling full Redis database API with a nativelike command syntax. PBClient for Redis will provide you with the whole Redis functionality out of the box: Native-like command syntax: AUTH, GETSET, INCRBYFLOAT, CLUSTER_ADDSLOTS All possible Redis and extra commands All possible data types: byte, …


  • Status: Trial (work while IDE is running)
  • Source: None
  • price: $370
  • Size: 2 722 kB

Platforms: C10, C10.1, C10.2, C10.3, C10.4, C11, C11.1, D10, D10.1, D10.2, D10.3, D10.4, D11, D11.1

DB-Aware Components > Visual > Grids

By Tomas Rosinsky.

Commercial Update 15 Dec 2020


Powerfull DBGrid with column grouping, sorting, filtering and custom editors. It is derived from DBGrid and can simply replace a standard DBGrid without losing current column settings - and with no code modification (unlike other complicated and DBGrid-incompatible components). All new properties …


  • Status: With Nag-Screen
  • Source: On purchase/registration
  • Source price: $70
  • Size: 5738 - 6803 kB

Platforms: C2k10, D2010, C10, D10, C10.1, D10.1, C10.2, D10.2, C10.3, D10.3, C10.4, D10.4, CBXE2, DXE2, CBXE3, DXE3, CBXE4, DXE4, CBXE5, DXE5, CBXE6, DXE6, CBXE7, DXE7, CBXE8, DXE8, CBXE, DXE

DB-Aware Components > Direct DB Access > ODBC

By Devart.

Shareware New 07 Jun 2019


SQL Server ODBC driver provides high-performance and feature-rich connectivity solution for ODBC-based applications to access SQL Server databases from Windows, Linux, MacOS, both 32-bit and 64-bit.


  • Status: Evaluation (time-limit)
  • Source: None
  • price: $149.95
  • Size: 12 597 kB

Platforms: D10, D2005, D2006, D2007, D2009, D2010, DXE, DXE2, DXE3, DXE4, DXE5, DXE6, DXE7, DXE8