ZylIdleTimer.NET v.1.42

By Zyl Soft

Shareware Update 01 Feb 2024

In category

.NET > Date and Time > Timers


ZylIdleTimer.NET is a .NET component library, which lets you to take actions after a specified system-wide (related to the whole system) or application-wide idle time or to check the time interval of user inactivity. It works with WinForms and WPF application too. It peeks at all user events for all applications, and cannot be limited to just your program. Any user activity, such as keyboard, mouse, or mouse-wheel in any application will be considered user activity and will reset the inactivity clock. System Idle time is the time interval of full user inactivity. In this interval any user action is missing on the computer, like pressing a key of the keyboard or moving the mouse or pressing a mouse button or rotating the scroll. Application Idle time is the time interval of user inactivity inside of one application. In this interval the user doesn't press a key of the keyboard or a mouse button inside of one window of the application. Starting with .NET Framework 2.0, you have to use invoke, to modify user interface elements from the tick event. ZylIdleTimer.NET is written 100% in C# using .Net framework and API calls.


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: SW
  • Price: $34.990000
  • Source price: $99.990000
  • Size: 2 561 545kB


  • C#
  • C# Builder 1
  • Delphi 2005
  • Delphi 2006
  • CodeGear RAD Studio
  • Delphi 8
  • Visual Studio 2002
  • Visual Studio 2003
  • Visual Studio 2005
  • Visual Studio 2008
  • Visual Studio 2010
  • Visual Studio 2012
  • Visual Studio 2013
  • Visual Studio 2015
  • VC++
