Až do 28.2.2025 nabízíme nové licence vývojových nástrojů společnosti Embarcadero s prodlouženým předplatným aktualizací a technické podpory na celkem 30 měsíců v ceně!
Pokud dáváte raději přednost slevám, můžete zvolit standardní licenci s ročním předplatným, ale se slevou ve výši 20% u edic Profesional, 25% u edic Enterprise a 30% u edic Architect. Licence InterBase pak můžete zakoupit se slevou 25%.

By RemObjects Software.

Commercial 30 May 2015


Data Abstract is the innovative and RAD multi-tier solution for .NET and Delphi. Building upon the RemObjects SDK, it allows you to create RemObjects services that access any database, providing a clear separation between data-access and business-logic.


  • Status: Evaluation (time-limit)
  • Source: On purchase/registration
  • price: $999
  • Size: 41 298 kB

Platforms: P2009, P2010, PXE, PXE2, PXE3, S2005, S2008, S2010, S2012, S2013, S2015

By Enserver.

Commercial 10 Sep 2013


Netserver.Net is a middleware for .NET. It is written with 100% managed code and work on .NET2 and CE. Full support ADO.NET in application server level. Client of Netserver.Net itself is a ADO.NET object. You can use any .NET components which requires or connects to ADO.NET Improved session pooling Powerful messaging.


  • Status: With Nag-Screen
  • Source: None
  • Size: 2 297 kB

Platforms: C#, D2007, S2005, S2008, S2010

By RemObjects Software.

Commercial 30 May 2015


RemObjects SDK is the essential remoting framework for .NET and Delphi. It allows you to remotely access objects residing on a server from clients inside the LAN or across the Internet. Use the RemObjects SDK to build client and server applications that easily communicate with each other over the network.


  • Status: Evaluation (time-limit)
  • Source: None
  • price: $399
  • Size: 25 364 kB

Platforms: PXE, PXE2, PXE3, S2008, S2010, S2012, S2013, S2015