VolgaDB Engine for Kylix 5.1

By Olga Vlasova

GPL 21 Jun 2006

In category

Kylix > Database > Direct Access


VolgaDB Engine is a small and fast single-user engine for working with flat files in own Volga format or client-server multi-user engine for working with MS SQL, MySQL, MS Access, dBASE databases without using BDE. Component package consists of TVolgaTable, TVolgaQuery, TVolgaServQuery, TVolgaDatabase and VolgaDB Desktop utility for managing Volga files. It works with any visible DB-aware controls.
  • All necessary code is included in your application without additional DLLs. Distribution of your applications will be very simple - only copy exe and data files into any folder and it works.
  • Files in Volga format usually have *.d extension, although it is not mandatory. No external index or memo files are used. Sorting records is performed on the fly in memory, memos and images are saved within the *.d file.
  • Cloned tables are used for avoiding duplicate file loading and to use one data source in different views: use different sort orders, ranges and filters at the same time. All changes in all cloned tables are placed into shared cursor and saved with one ApplyUpdates method.
  • VolgaDB Engine implements password protection and uses Sapphire algorithm for ciphering flat Volga files.
  • Sort-on-the-fly, cached updates, master-detail, exporting data to text, DBF, XML, Excel files and more...


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: GPL
  • Size: 80 441kB


  • Kylix 3
