Bold for Delphi electronic book

By Konstantin Gribachev

Commercial 21 Jun 2006

In category

Documents > Other > Articles


The book "Delphi and Model Driven architecture" was published in 2004 by Russian "Piter" publishing house.

Now the book is translated to English.

The book includes 11 chapters:

  • Model Driven Architecture overview
  • Borland MDA overview (some words about history - Bold for Delphi, ECO)
  • Quick start - simple application step-by-step
  • The Model
  • OCL ( language with many examples)
  • Object Space (class structure etc)
  • Bold Handles (all handles descriptions with examples)
  • OCL using ( description how to use OCL from code)
  • User Graphic Interface (visual Bold components overview)
  • Persistence Layer (DB connect, schema generation, Bold tables structure, Bold Actions, XML etc)
  • Third-party visual components using (how to use standard or third-party GUI components with Bold)
  • Code generation
  • Subscribing (mechanism, examples, operations, derived/reverse derived attribute using)
  • Additional features (OLLE, OSS, regions ... overview)
  • Third-party components overview (rad-studio, deBold, .... short overview)


  • Status: Not available
  • Source: C
  • Price: $25
  • Size: 172 420kB


  • Delphi 7
