ProjectMaker 1.4.1

By Oliver Rutsch

Freeware 09 Dec 2005

In category

Developer Tools > Project > Build Systems


The first project on this page is a small tool called ProjectMaker and the intension of this tool is to speed up large project builds in a comfortable way.

"If you're working on a large project then you may have noticed that compile times are slowing down more and more in the IDE. I don't know what the IDE compiler does in this time, but if you're exporting your project to a makefile and build this with the command line compiler bcc32.exe you will notice, that your project will compile 2-3 times faster than before. On large projects that's a great gain of time. In our company we have some projects where it is ten times faster than the IDE. But exporting makefiles and building everything with batchfiles isn't very comfortable so most of us will stick with the IDE compiler."


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: FW
  • Size: 446 978kB


  • C++ Builder 5
  • C++ Builder 6
