OEExplorer 1.1

By Victor Shestakov

Commercial 25 Jun 2007

In category

Developer Tools > Developer Tools > Other


This program will be useful for Delphi developers as framework for their own programs that have to work with Outlook Express (Windows Mail) folders and messages. It allows to make operations with folders and messages using IStoreNamespace and IStoreFolder interfaces.

Main features:

  • Work with folders – read folders properties, create, delete, move, rename.
  • Work with messages – read message properties (From, Subject, Received Date, etc.), copy, move, delete, change state (read/unread, etc.), save message to file.
  • Receiving notifications about main actions with folders and messages:
    • for folders – new, deleted, properties changed;
    • for messages – new (created, received, ...), deleted, properties changed.
  • Windows Vista supported.
With source code you will receive the msoeapi.pas unit (analog of msoeapi.h)

Also for Delphi developers available the OE-Delphi package (OEExplorer, Demo toolbar for Outlook Express, msoeapi.pas).


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: C
  • Source price: $80
  • Size: 241 194kB


  • Delphi 2005 (VCL)
  • Delphi 2006 (Win32)
  • Delphi 2007 (VCL)
  • Delphi 5
  • Delphi 6
  • Delphi 7
