VBto Converter 2.37
In category
Developer Tools > Code > Code Convertors
Software for converting Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 projects (including source code) to MS Visual Studio VB.NET, C#, J#, VC.NET, VC++ (MFC), Borland C++ Builder, Borland Delphi. Visual Basic forms viewer (.frm, .frx files) and source code analyzer (.frm, .bas, .cls files).VBto Converter creates or updates any project. For example, for MS VC++, all forms and source code of VB6 projects can be converted into MFC-based dialogs. Each such dialog will be provided with its .cpp and .h files.
- MS VB 6.0 files: *.frm, *.frx, *.cls, *.bas, project.vbp.
- MS VB .NET files: *.vb, *.resx, project.vbproj, AssemblyInfo.vb
- MS C# .NET files: *.cs, *.resx, project.csproj, AssemblyInfo.cs
- MS J# .NET files: *.jsl, *.resx, project.vjsproj, AssemblyInfo.jsl
- MS VC .NET files: *.cpp, *.h, project.vcproj, project.rc, resource.h, AssemblyInfo.cpp
- MS VC++(MFC) files: *.cpp, *.h, project.dsp, project.rc, resource.h
- Borland C++ Builder files: *.cpp, *.h, *.dfm, project.bpr, project.cpp, project.res
- Borland Delphi files: *.pas, *.dfm, project.dpr, project.cfg, project.res
- Status: Partially restricted
- Source: SW
- Price: $89
- Size: 3 233 554kB
- C++ Builder 6
- Delphi 6