nTierIt Application Framework
By nTierIt
02 Oct 2001In category
DB-Aware Components > Multi-Tier > MIDAS alternatives
Developing client/server and multi-tier applications can be a time-consuming process. With nTierIt Application Framework for Delphi, however, you'll be turning out attractive, feature rich, powerful applications in just a few hours. Some of the built-in features that make this possible are:Data related:
- A new TClientDataSet (CDS) subclass provides many enhancements.
- A type-safe "CDS Manager" facility handles all needed processing such as browse, edit, commit, AutoInc key generation, etc.
- A TAction-driven replacement for TDBNavigator adds new capabilities, reflects the mutual status of related master/detail files, and permits the use of any action-enabled button and menu controls.
- Thin-client table security down to the field level with no need for a DBA to maintain multiple views or login IDs. Flexible login encryption security with an encryption algorhythm that can be changed simply by modifying two commands.
- A "Persistent Data" option to refetch the data in use during the user's last session.
- A "Resident Memory Table" option to keep small, static tables permanently in memory yet be able to refresh them from the server if the need arises.
- An "Offline Briefcase Mode" option permits users to work with local copies of data and later merge changes back into the online database server. Users can continue to be productive even when servers go down.
- Applications can be configured for ultimate portability whereby the executable can be run against any database without recompiling, or they can be configured for tight integration with a specific RDBMS via the use of stored procedures and triggers. And more...
- The use of Visual Form Inheritance (VFI) promotes an object-oriented development approach that supports multiple form styles (three application styles are shipped with the product). Most of the source code resides in superclasses, so only the final subclass is modified to customize the form. Most modifications consist of reviewing source code and making minor changes by declaring new instances and/or copying or uncommenting existing code and making minor changes to it.
- All framework-created forms are independent and reusable.
- Forms are dynamically created and destroyed to conserve memory.
- Form persistence: when created, their last known state (size, position, last focused control) is restored.
- A "Program Manager/Loader" application provides an option to allow single login access to all framework-based applications. All applications provide the ability to require a login when started in stand-alone mode and to skip the login when started from Program Manager. Data security for the user always is enforced at login.
- Legacy forms and forms generated with object-oriented design tools can be incorporated into the class hierarchy of framework applications.
- A form/control resizer handles differences between "Small Font" and "Large Font" screen resolutions. And more...
- Status: Trial (work while IDE is running)
- Source: SW
- Price: $499
- Size: 1218246 - 1250779kB
- Delphi 6
- Delphi 7