• unlimited number of local/remote databases for backup
  • unlimited number of Windows/Linux servers (FB 2.1, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0 are supported)
  • option for managing multiple backups for one database
  • optional ZIP compression and FTP transfer of backups
  • running as an application or as a service
  • lifetime license only USD 40

By Sors Enginering Technology.

Freeware + source 11 Oct 2010


DataSnap alternative. 3 tier client server technology for MSSQL server. You need to register server SOrsServerX.dll and midas.dll in you windows. One SORS server for one database with many clients. Must write one transaction waiting procedure. This is easy write to our forum to show you haw to do it.


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: Included
  • Size: 27 kB

Platforms: D2010, DXE

By Andreas Hausladen.

Freeware + source 08 Sep 2009


The MidasSpeedFix.pas is a unit that improves the performance of the Midas.dll and MidasLib unit. This is done by replacing the Midas memory manager with the Delphi memory manager (FastMM4)


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: Included
  • Size: 36 kB

Platforms: D2005, D2006, D2007, D2009, D6, D7

By Shaka Intekanational.

Shareware 05 Feb 1998


These components allow user to do adhoc queries at runtime with n-tier (Midas) technology plus allows you to set parameterized queries at design time.


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: On purchase/registration
  • price: $79
  • Size: 492 kB

Platforms: D3